We Need More Than Words

Submitted by : admin on Islam

We Need More Than Words

We'd cry if a loved one's blood was spilt,
yet from our ummah its been falling to the ground like rain.
So how many eyes are wet? Have you not seen that even innocent children have been slain?

Some may try to deny it, some just look the other way.
Some raise their voice, yet our blood still flows the next day.

Just by hearing the word 'Bosnia,' our tears should just flow.
Or have we forgotten it already, was it that long ago?

The earth was soaked with their blood,
yet the world just turned the other way.
So as families got shattered like glass,
the world was silent and pretended that everything was ok.

Some may try to deny it, some just look the other way.
Some raise their voice, yet our blood still flows the next day.

Children are starved to death in Iraq due to the UN's nasty sanctions.
So who will stand up against this oppression being inflicted by the United Nations?

Thousands of innocent lives are slipping away while the ummah just looks on. They die due to starvation, yet because were too full, all we can do is yawn.

Some may try to deny it, some just look the other way.
Some raise their voice, yet our blood still flows the next day.

Rivers of it have flown out of Palestine,
from what the Nazi-like Zionists have done.
They barged their way into Jerusalem,
causing rivers of Muslim blood to run.

Our sisters there get raped, and many of our brothers there get shot.
Was there anything other then pain that the rise of Zionism brought?

Some may try to deny it, some just look the other way.
Some raise their voice, yet our blood still flows the next day.

Yet with Albania the world spoke up, yet what do words do without action? So as the Serbs just slaughtered our brothers, we barely had a reaction?

It was a holocaust indeed, yet it happened right under our eyes.
When are we going to wake up, after how many more lives?

Some may try to deny it, some just look the other way.
Some raise their voice, yet our blood still flows the next day.

What's sad is that this is not all,
the examples I mentioned are actually quite few.
I could keep saying words, yet there's only so much that words can do.

Words just ripple through the air, and then quickly come to rest.
But actions speak louder then words, and action is what I suggest.

Some may try to deny it, some just look the other way.
We need more than words, or our blood will just flow again the next day.

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