What if God stopped suffering in the world?

Submitted by : Saarah on Strugle

If God stopped suffering in our life
How will he test us through our strife?
How will he reward us?
For our strength through sadness

If God stopped suffering and pain
Will our deeds wash away like rain?
Not even leaving a stain
What will we lose and what will we gain?

We will live in happiness and bliss
Then after that, what will be your wish?
Will this be enough?
Being free from life which was rough

Being able to live forever, no deaths occurring
In a world where there’s no suffering
Where time doesn’t run out, nor goes too fast
What will you do, knowing the world will always last?

Will God still guide you?
Will you change or stay honest and true?
Still knowing there is no test
No reward for trying your best

There will be no sorrow
You will be able to live every tomorrow
But does that mean you won’t go wrong?
Will you become weak – no longer strong?

What will be the point of you living?
Is it so that you can be kind, gentle, and giving?
Yet nothing is what you will attain
But happiness and eternal bliss you will gain

Your life would be paradise
Something you gained without sacrifice
You’ll be a coward, who found an easy way in
Having done nothing, but living

You will be like everyone else- just the same
Your life no longer a test or a game
As there’s no winning, no losing and no pain
No stress, no problems; fears that’ll drive you insane

Then after all this will you want more?
I want to be certain, to be sure
That you really understand
Is this really, what you want?

Suffering should be your concern
Without it, how will you learn?
Suffering helps us to understand
It’s our key to the Promised Land

So many questions filling my mind
So many answers I wish to find
Is this how it will be if suffering was gone?
Will we not only survive; but also have won?

We all have different views
We think it will be a world free of abuse
We imagine a world to meet our needs
A place we deserve for all our good deeds

A world like this we may never know
We all imagine it differently though;
If we can imagine, we can also believe
Maybe if we strive, this world we will achieve!

What if God stopped suffering?

I have answered the question by saying that if God stopped suffering in the world it may seem pleasant – there will be no deaths, pain and abuse but we might become weak this was inspired by a philosopher Khalil Gibran who said ‘Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls…’ Also in my poem, I added questions throughout because we will never truly know how the world will be without suffering until we experience it. So the questions are what I think will happen - they are my views. I think that without suffering our deeds will become pointless, as we gain our deeds for our strength and faith. But without suffering how are we able to show our strength and show how we never doubt god- without suffering God has no way of testing us. Also without suffering, I think that God will not be able to reward us, as there will not be a test. Harry Emerson Fosdick said -No character is ultimately tested until it has suffered’ this supports my view in the poem as I have mentioned that a world without suffering is a world with no test. Some people would see a world without suffering, as paradise I have also covered this in the poem but by making it seem as if it is undeserved. As I think that if there is no suffering, there cannot be a reward for it. I also think that if we strive we will achieve a world without suffering, and we will deserve it, as we would be striving for it. Throughout my poem, I have tried to show the importance of suffering by saying it helps us to understand and is the key to paradise.

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