What is the progress for the human being?(Part3)

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Bismillah Ir-Rahman, Ir-Raheem. I begin with ALLAH's auspiciousness,whose Name is the Best among all the names. All Revences, All Sanctities and All Worships are due to ALLAH alone. Ashahadu An Laa illaaha illal llahu Wa Ash Hadu Anna Muhammadan Abdu Hu Wa Rasooluhu ''I bear witness that there is no deity but Allah who is without partner, and I bear witness that Muhammad (Peace be upon Him) is the Rasool.'' "O ALLAH, Shower Your Peace come upon Muhammad and the family of Muhammad, as you have brought peace to Ibrahim and his family. Truly, You are Praiseworthy and Glorious. O Allah, Shower your blessing upon Muhammad and the family of Muhammad, as you have blessed Ibrahim and his family. Truly, You are Praiseworthy and Glorious". I am Satisfied with ALLAH as My Rabb and Cherisher, I am Satisfied With Islam as My Din(religion) and I am satisfied with Muhammad as a Rasulallah (Messenger)sallallahu alaihi was salam) I seek Protection with ALLAH! With the Glorious and Noble Face of ALLAH! With the Complete and Perfect words of ALLAH! With the Exalted Attributes of ALLAH! From the Punishment of Hell; From chastisement in the Grave; From the Trial of Life and Death; From the Mischief of the dajjal. There is no power nor strength with (anyone) save Allah. ALLAH is Good and Only accept that which is Good. ALLAH is the Truth and only accept that which True. ALLAH is Pure and only accept that which is Pure. Ya ALLAH! ALL the praises are for You,You are the Holder of the Heavens and the Earth, And whatever is in them. Ya ALLAH! All praises are for You; You are are the Substaner of the Heavens and the Earth And whatever is in them. Ya ALLAH! All the praises are for you; You have the Possession of the Heavens and the Earth and whatever is in them. Ya ALLAH! All the praises are for You; You are Light(Nur) of the Heavens and Earth And whatever is in them. Ya ALLAH! All praises are for You; You are the King of the Heavens and the Earth And whatever is in them. Ya ALLAH! All praises are for You; You are the Truth and Your Promise is the Truth, And Your word is the Truth and the Meeting with You is true, And Parardise is True And Hell is true and All the Prophets(peace be upon them) are true; And Muhammad Rasulallah(sallallahu alayhi wa salam) is true,And the Day of Resurrection is True. Ya ALLAH! You have promise and Your promise is the truth,Ya ALLAH! You have promise and Your words is the truth, Ya ALLAH! You have promise and You are the Truth!---------- Bismillah Ir-Rahman, Ir-Raheem. -- Technology is not human progress! But it is a part of progress! And as long it is a service to man and nature! And man do not become a servant to it! --Human progress(Human advancement)Human achievement-- (14:1)Alif, Lam, Ra. [This is] a Book which We have revealed to you, [O Muhammad], that you might bring mankind out of darknesses into the light by permission of their Rabb - to the path of the Exalted in Might, the Praiseworthy -(14:2)Allah , to whom belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth. What were some of the greatest scientific advancements or the achievements of the Muslim world in the Golden Age of Islam? The Islamic Golden Age is traditionally dated from the mid-6th century to the ending of the 14 century at which Muslim rulers established one of the largest empires in history. The Muslims of The Age, they advanced Mathematics, made the numerical system as we know it today even. Discovered Astronomy, physics, as well as laying the ground for the scientific method as we still use it today. During this period from the 6 to the 15 century. These Centuries, saw many great advances in science, as Islamic scholars gathered knowledge from across the known world and added their own findings. -artists, engineers, scholars, poets, philosophers, geographers and traders in the Islamic world contributed to agriculture, the arts, economics, industry, law, literature, navigation, philosophy, sciences, sociology, and technology, both by preserving earlier traditions and by adding inventions and innovations of their own. Also at that time the Muslim world became a major intellectual center for science, philosophy, medicine and education. THIS IS CALLED Human Achievement! This is called Human Advancement! This is called Human Progress!!! When the Human condition is advanced, than we have human progress or a better improvement of the quality of life! The human condition encompasses the unique features of being human, particularly the ultimate concerns of human existence. It can be described as the unalterable part of humanity that is inherent and innate to human beings and not dependent on factors such as gender, race, culture, or class. It includes concerns such as the meaning of life, the search for gratification, the sense of curiosity, the inevitability of isolation, and the awareness of the inescapability of death, And what the heart searches for when it's searching for peace, In essence, the human condition is the self-aware, and reflective nature of humankind that allows for analysis of existential themes. -- The Early Islamic teaching encouraged and promoted the pursuit of scholarship and science. the Muslim world saw many great advances in science and medicine! One of these important fields was Islamic medicine, which saw medical practice begin to resemble our modern systems. Certainly, this period of the history of medicine was centuries ahead of Europe, who was still embedded, entrenched in the Dark Ages. Central to Islamic medicine is the belief in the Qur'an and Hadiths, which stated that Muslims had a duty to care for the sick and this was often referred to as "Medicine of the Prophet(sallallahu alayhi wa salam)." According to the sayings of the Prophet Muhammed(sallallahu alayhi wa salam), He taught that Allah had sent a cure for every ailment and that it was the duty of the Muslims to take care of the body and spirit or soul. This certainly falls under the remit of improving the quality of healthcare and ensuring that there is access for all, with many of the Hadiths laying down guidelines for a holistic approach to health. Initially, in the early days of Islam, there was some debate about whether Islamic physicians should use Greek, Chinese and Indian medical techniques, seen by many scholars as pagan. After intense debate, the Islamic physicians were given free rein to study and adopt any techniques they wished that was not contrary to Islamic teaching. Muslims were at the forefront and The Light (The Nur) of the Quran inspired many Great discoveries in ophthalmology, anatomy, physiology, pathology, surgery, chemistry and pharmaceuticals during the Islamic Golden age -The major contribution of the Age to the history of medicine was the establishment of hospitals, paid for by the charitable donations known as Zakat tax. There is evidence that these hospitals were in existence by the 8th Century and they were soon widespread across the Islamic world, with accounts and inventories providing evidence of at least 30. This is Human Advancement, This Human Achievement and this is Human Progress! These are the Roots of Medicine! These hospitals, as well as providing care to the sick on site, sent physicians and midwives into the poorer, rural areas, and also provided a place for physicians and other staff to study and research. These hospitals varied in role, some aimed at serving the general population, with others providing specific services, such as the care of lepers, the disabled and the infirm. Great advances were also made in astronomy and mathematics, as well as in architecture, art and literature.-These things that improved the quality of life, like science and technology, were encouraged and welcomed. These included practical things like tools for agriculture. -Arabia was at the crossroads between Asia, Africa, and Europe and the Arab people traded widely with merchants from places as diverse as China, India and southern Europe. Trade and conquest led to cultural exchange and the spread of knowledge. The practical problems of trade over long distances also led to the development of techniques for navigation by the stars, navigational aids for travellers, geographical maps, medical knowledge, ways of measuring and calculating and a greater understanding of time. Astronomy was important to Muslims for very practical and religious reasons: Astronomy aided navigation for purposes of trade and travel, and it was important in determining an accurate lunar calendar, prayer times and the direction of Mecca. Important Islamic observatories were established in many cities across the Islamic world in order to make accurate observations of the sun, moon and stars. Accurate calendars were important to determine religious festivals such as the period of fasting known as Ramadan. Islamic astronomers developed new and improved instruments for observation such as the astrolabe and quadrant. Astronomers such as Al-Tusi and Al-Farghani, as distinguished astronomer of the House of Wisdom, wrote significant books on astronomy which were later translated into Latin and influenced European astronomers such as Copernicus and Galileo. -Great centres of scholarship were established in cities such as Baghdad (in modern-day Iraq) and Alexandria. With the cultural exchange and the spread of knowledge, the use of paper and books was very important in sharing and promoting knowledge in early Islam. The Muslims learned how to make paper from Chinese papermakers, and a paper mill was built in Baghdad. A huge book industry was established and there were bookshops and important libraries in cities right throughout the Islamic empire. A new unified Arabic language was developed which became the language of international scholarship. Muslim scholars in institutions such as ‘The House of Wisdom’ in Baghdad translated many important works from Greek, Latin and other languages. This helped to preserve important philosophical and scientific works from the ancient world, and to transmit this learning to European scholars in the late Medieval period. In the 10th century a huge library was established in Cairo with thousands of books about the ancient sciences. Early Islamic teaching encourage the pursuit of all knowledge that helped to improve (The human condition) the people’s lives. -- It was Islam that carried the light of learning through so many centuries, paving the way for Europe’s Renaissance and Enlightenment. It was innovation in Muslim communities that developed the order of algebra; our magnetic compass and tools of navigation; our mastery of pens and printing; our understanding of how disease spreads and how it can be healed. In this day and age there has been Great Discovered! Great human advancements! Great human achievements in the field of Medicine, Sciences, Mathematics, Engineering, Physics, Astronomy and Agriculture.

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