What’s to be or not to be: A complimentary story to Qalamuddin’s “A Choice to Be!”

Submitted by : Wayfarer on Strugle

What’s to be or not to be
– A complimentary story to Qalamuddin’s “A choice to be!”

This is the story of Mrs Average Jane
Her life is so full of pain
Sometimes she feels quite insane

She stepped out of her father’s home an innocent bride
With a husband that brought her much pride
By all the Deen’s rules they did abide
They should have been contented inside
Money was never enough
With the neighbours they never felt quite up to snuff

So hubby joined the business mill
And the bank account began to fill
Now all prospects looked up, what a thrill!

Then things started slowly changing
With hubby always away working
And staff to do the cooking and cleaning
There was lots of time for shopping and preening

Life took on a modern flair
There was never enough time to spare
With many business associates to entertain
Many new friends to meet
The Deen took a backseat

One day her life just shattered
She got a phone call and her pride was tattered
The wealth no longer mattered

For her hubby had had an affair
And produced an illegitimate heir
The damage too much to repair
All that’s left is to despair

His own parents he did disgrace!
Where is she to put her face?
Life changed at such a fast pace
Blind and blinkered she became
What about her good name?
Now who will hear her voice
Is talaq her only choice?
The price of revenge is so high
Should she give her marriage another try?
Though things will never be the same?
Who will her children blame?

Regrets a-plenty
Choices too few
What’s done been done
How to begin a-new?

All that’s left is to pray
Maybe Allah may show her the way
And make the pain go away

Life is a journey
What’s to be or not to be
The choice is up to you and me
Don’t just wait and see
Wake up and change your own destiny
Be prepared to answer for all eternity!

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