Where hope lyes !!!!

Submitted by : milgamohamud on Islam

Engulfed in the blackness of despair, drowning with deeds beyond repair
The sinner walks a lonely path
A desperate effort to heal the wounded aftermath

Chased by the demons of desire
The dunya led him closer to the fire
The glitter of pleasures and death never pending
Threw him into sins never ending.
So great is the shame, marred with emotions unnamed
How can he dare to call upon his lord again?

With a heavy heart and eyes downcast
Dreams of carefree days go past
A time when it was so easy to raise up hands and freely request
Innocent pleas and simple decisions, praying Allah would ease the rest.
Requesting from his Lord most high, most bountiful
Who made all good things seem possible, and the evil unthinkable.
So when did the light of goodness fade into darkness?
Was it through the extinguish of the conscience
Or did it diminish with the weak voice of reason

When overshadowed by the shout of Satan?
So the sinner walks a lonely path,
No longer seeking wrong or right, only hoping for a ray of light.
A light of purpose, a light of redemption
A lamp of guidance, leading to the road of salvation.
A way to repent for the time unspent
For the obligations unfulfilled and the book unread
The deeds which rendered the weak heart dead.

So what can revive the stricken heart?
Allah set a month apart.
A time of healing, a time of hope
A time when everyone can grasp a lifeline boat.
Drifting to Allah’s mercy, escaping to the plains of tranquillity
Wherein lies a night, better than a thousand nights.
Containing beauty and power concealed from sight.
A time to walk through a new door and emerge with vows of “no more”
And so the sinner walks a lonely path
Towards renewal and amendments for the past.
Through doors of repentance and levels of submission
Allah’s mercy leads him to the doors of admission
The promise of two gardens for taqwa for a lord unseen
In the prevention of a fearful deed.
For O son of Adam if your sins reached the sky
But you called on your lord just one time
You would be forgiven as if you had never turned to transgression.
So never despair of the mercy of Ar Rahman, turn the key in Ramadan.
Reignite the former glory of Eemaan.

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