Who Cares What The World Thinks ?

Submitted by : b_seech on Think

Who cares what the world thinks?
Express me and let your thoughts be a whirlwind

Take my arm let us let the world heal
for its been numbed and i can no longer be concealed
let me reveal that its bad days will one day be long gone
so longs as I’m near we will stand strong

So who cares what the world thinks?
Express me to your thoughts I’m a whirlwind

I may bewilder some but its apart of the drill
so that I can open their hearts and let them feel
think and ponder over the signs that are so real
now let us walk together so our paths be sealed

NOW who cares what the world thinks?
You and I together have caused a whirlwind

Now we'll break down the cages and release those sighs
we'll rattle the stages and bring peace of mind
we'll stop all misery and put an end to the lies
for I am your den and only now you realised
that I have been forever by your side :)

Never will I care what the world thinks!!!
So long as I’m breaking free in this whirlwind

You’re nearest and dearest may sometimes let you down
but Allah gave us a gift that never wants to see us frown
so use it wisely wear it as your crown
and you’ll beam of happiness both inside and out

But do you care what the world thinks?
Or will you spin this world with this whirlwind!!!

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