Winter the best season for the believer

Submitted by : Showkat on Think

Winter the best season for the believer

The clocks have gone back

Summer time has ended

Beginning of winter

And everyone is in gloom

Illness and depression

Rain and snow

Travel chaos and snow days

Everyone is suffering

One way or another

Amongst this negativity

The believer sees rays of positivity

Winter the best season for the believer

The nights are long

And extra prayers make one spiritually strong

Many quiver

And count the days to spring

When they hear the birds sing

But the believers rejoice

The days are short

And fasting passes with ease

Extra rewards

For the day when nothing will benefit

Except good deeds

The disbelievers get depressed

And book their holidays

Somewhere warm and compressed

Where the sun is hot

As they swim and sun bath

Winter the best season for the believer

As the prayers come in quick succession

One after the other

And the remembrance of Allah lasts all day

The cold days and nights

Are a blessing

As the Muslim’s stay in their dwellings

Prostrating and contemplating

About the blessings of Allah

And making dua for the Ummah

Author: [email protected]

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It was reported by al-Haythami in ‘Majma’ az-Zawa’id’ (3/203) with a Hasan chain that the Prophet (??? ???? ???? ? ???) said: “Winter is the best season for the believer. Its nights are long for him to pray in, and its days are short for him to fast in.”

And Ahmad reported in ‘az-Zuhd’ (p. 118) with an authentic chain that ‘Umar bin al-Khattab said: “Winter is the prize of the worshippers.”

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