is life really unfair

Submitted by : matin on Think

as we go through days of our life to find lots of things that didn't suit to our like,rather harsh on us at times creating despair also grudge and jealousy,for life seems so unfair that others get what we don't, achieved what we cant,discriminated by the fact that they are better,looking up to them in a way that we shouldn't,wishing all that they had were ours.
wanting to be respected to be acknowledged for what we do, we turn ourselves to be like those we dislike without even knowing.

does it not make us the same when we curse those who cursed us?yet revenge doesn't seems to be a bad thing to do yet we would think otherwise in the action of others.

there will be nothing that is fair if it is to be compared to others for the deeds differ between people,never would we think that what is given to us worth our be liked,loved by others while we hate and curse a lot of the people around us the people we see,we dislike them as we that also fair?
is to be fair to compare why that is a thin guy be jealous that a fat guy get to wear a bigger shirt than him?
is to be fair to compare why a businessman rides a Mercedes Benz and a farmer rides an old and dusty truck?
to be fair is to compare our deeds and what we get isn't it?but it is still unfair at time why?we did so many things and we get so little why?if the deeds we do were to be paid in cash we wont have enough to pay the bills of all the things that God has gave us or in this matter should i say sold to us...can we even pay back all that with the deeds we done?what if we had to pay to see the beautiful sky everyday?to pay for the air that we breath every second?is it even fair to get something for free while other had to pay?
we feel that life is unfair because we failed to differ the needs and wants when we see what other people owns,we failed to see how generous God has been to us for we hail the greed within.never would we cherish what we had in life and compare to other that didn't had what we do,are we being fair?
to see life is to see inside of ourselves,look deep into our heart and see what is inside,what we fill it with,what we kept in it for that is the source that differ the good and the bad...

no matter how bad life appears to be...there's always a good side in it...cherish life just as it is...only then can happiness be achieved.

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