reflection on crying for the sake of Allah.

Submitted by : repenter86 on Think

Standing still, silence kills, the world begins to spin.
So fast, it turns, and churns out truth, where do I begin?
Hands raised high, My tears are dry, have nothing left to weep.
I've tried and cried it all, nothing here I want to keep.

I look above to see the blood that's flowing from my veins.
I look down to see my feet are shackled to life's chains.
I turn right to see no light, and left to see just pain.
My throat so dry, I cannot cry, beg the sky to let down rain.

Broken faces appear and go, like a thick black ugly smoke.
The call me, asking why I dont care, as I begin to choke.
I wave in desperation, world still spinning like a disc.
I hear the silence once again, now drowning in this mist.

The sky hangs low, it's time to go, The earth has cracked and I...
Dont want to be the one who has to watch my own soul die.
On my knees, I beg my Lord, Allah let me well up on my tears.
This devastation wont improve and we'll hurt like this for years.

I need to cry, just let me cry, Let my drops of pain join all the others.
Soften our hearts, so we soften our world, for all our sisters and our brothers.
Nourish our souls, heal our hearts with this incredible gift and cure,
Let us cry with the sky, so the smoke will die, and life returns to the pure.

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