the Dajjal(part1)

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Bismillah,ir-Rahman ir-Rahim. (this is Ibrahim comment that as I told you there are 30 Dajjals some Significance and other insignificance,the ones in Positions of Power and Authority are Significance.they are all over the world,but many of them are in the U.S. and most of them that are in the U.S. are among the Muslims tring to Hide. the Significance one among the Muslims in Houston,Tx, The one that blind in one eye and His other eye looked like a protruding out grape. the Truth of the matter is that the followers of the Dajjal is in every masjid in the muslim world and among every people,they have had time to mix with every People in the world, and there Job is to deceives every Believers muslim and all people, Dajjal will throw in front of the followers of Rasulallah(sallallahu alaihi wassalam) all the doubts against Islam, one cannot be resisted him with physical power but can be resisted with spiritual power,True faith,and Devotion to ALLAH alone! that is, by proving faith principles with definite proofs. Confused people will require strong proofs so that they can be protected from those doubts. It can only be achieved through strong evidence. Dajjal will not refrain from coercion, tyranny and giving annoyance to make people accept his irreligious ideas. To be able to resist those things one needs to be equipped with strong faith in the word of ALLAH the Qur’an and faith in the Sunnah of Rasulallah( sallallahu alaihi was salam). Seeing that in the end of time, there is great indifference to islam and to the Sunnah of Rasulallah( sallallahu alaihi was salam) The important thing is to be able to resist Dajjal with faith and thought. Dajjal sees everything materially, he does not accept the existence, the oneness of Allah and his sovereignty and possession of everything from the Heavens to the Earth. and the Dajjal presents himself as divine. Dajjal will not be able to have any authority over the peoples who denies him as divine and says, “Our Rabb is Allah. We trust in him and we seek his help against the Dajjal . From your evil, we seek Protection in Allah.The believer should do everything he/she can to struggle against him. The believer should never condone his evils. If there is nothing he can do, he is obliged to turn away from it. The believer should not keep silent and refrain from telling the truth lest Dajjal should harm him. the Believer should never abandoning the struggle against Dajjal. to be in favor of Dajjal would, no doubt, summon more serious disasters. Even if the worldly life of the person prospers, (her) his Hereafter life will collapse. Even in this worldly life, the troubles and calamities will not Stop. If there is widespread support for Dajjal in a place, there is an invitation for the Angry and Punishment of ALLAH, calamities like hunger, famine or earthquake. As can be seen, the struggle against Dajjal is not easy. The influence of Dajjal is great and his despotism is fierce; and he will try to silence those who dare to struggle against him. The believer should not lose the sense of struggle and strive as much as he can. He should turn away from the Evil,and turn his heart toward ALLAH!the Believer should not approach the Dajjal or his Evil, but stay away from his mischief. The advice of the Rasulallah(sallallahu alaihi was salam)regarding the issue is as follows:“When you hear the emergence of Dajjal, stay away from him because one goes to him with the intention of refusing him but becomes a subject because he gives apprehension to the hearts and deceives and doubts them.” Another narration is as follows:

“When you hear the emergence of Dajjal, do not approach him as much as possible. A person goes to him thinking that Dajjal is a believer, stays with him for a while and falls into his trap with his doubts. Approaching Dajjal in this context is not just approaching his body but also his cause which causes confusion in the minds and hearts. A Hadith advises us to prefer staying at home so as not to be infected with the appealing mischief of Dajjal. Rasulallah(salallahu alaihi was salam) informs us that before the doomsday there will be mischief like pieces of night time; one will reach the morning as a believer but become an unbeliever by the night time and many people will sell their religion for a piece of worldly benefit. The Sahaba asked him, “What should we do when we reach such a time?" The Rasulallah(sallallhu alaihi was salam) said, “Do not become infected by leaving your homes. The point is not to fall into his trap, to know Dajjal well so as not to be seized by his appealing mischief and carry out the struggle that one should.
Unfortunately, people who do not know Dajjal well can have wrong opinions and fall into his trap because of negligence and ignorance. The famous Dajjal can hunt those people down easily because he adopts methods like deception, fraud, and hypocrisy. Dajjal is an Disbeliever; he will start a war against Islam and will attack in every chance he gets. There is no need to say that people who know those things and follow him nevertheless will risk themselves. Even their deeds will not be useful for them. As Rasulallah(salallahu alaihi was salam) says for the people who submit to Dajjal “none of their good acts will be of any use. Rasulallah(salallahu alaihi was salam) says “Certainly, I am warning you against Dajjal. There is no prophet who has not warned his people against him. Likewise, Noah (pbuh) had also warned his people against Dajjal.
The greater the danger, the more protection necessary. Accordingly, there are warnings and preventive measures. As it can be seen above, Rasulallah(salallahu alaihi was salam)has made the necessary warnings against that big danger.

Because of those warnings, the Sahaba had expected Dajjal as a big calamity in a nearby place and a near time and they had prepared against him accordingly.

Nawwas bin Sam’an explains how Rasulallah(salallahu alaihi was salam)expressed that mischief:

“Rasulallah(salallahu alaihi was salam)explained Dajjal one morning. He lowered Dajjal so much and emphasized (his mischief) so much that we thought he was in that date garden (in person).”
Seeking refuge in Allah from the mischief of Dajjal, Rasulallah(salallahu alaihi was salam) had taught them this prayer that he often repeated himself: “I seek refuge in You from the mischief of Dajjal”.(17)

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