the dress code of Islam

Submitted by : mujihada on Muslim Woman

As'salaamu alaikum wa Rahamatullahi wa Barakutuh my beloved brothers and sisters of Islam I I wrote this poem for my beloved Niqabis of Islam,InshaAllah hope to comments about this poem.I will be posting more inshaAllah ta'ala okay then JazakAllahu Khayrun in advance and Allah Hafiz!!!!


Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem
Walhamdulillah Rabbil'Ala Ameen
Was-Salaatu was-Salaamu' Alaa-
Raasoolilaah Sallaahu'Alayhi
Wa Ba'd
o prophet!Tell your wives and your daughters and the the woman of
the believers to draw down their cloaks(veils) all over their bodies
(i.e.screen themselves completely expect for one eye or two eye to see
the way)that will be better for them,that they should be known
as free respectable woman)so as not to be annoyed...And Allah is Ever
Oft-Forgiving,Most Mercifull 33:59
I wanna give shout out to my Naqabis,u know what they say right
wearing niqab is Jihad for sisters u know,I know how it feel when
people stare at u as if u were from another planet and so
I feel ure pain in each step u take everyday,for in my eye and
in the eyez of true believers u are beauty of Islam,o niqabis hold
ure head up high..I know there is dayz when u feel like feark show
cuz some people stare at u,asking crazy question like do you have face?
and so on,or some people say stupid things like URe in AmerIca ure Free now
and u don't have to get forced to wear that, or ure not in the Middle east
they speak without knowledge,not knowing that it is part of my religion to wear
NIQAB..let me tell u little story about this one niqabi that was going down to her
friend's house,Red neck kafir comes driving fast his intentions were to hit her but
Alahamduillah he did not hit her,so this Red neck kafir get's out of his car
and BAM!slap door so hard that niqab and her friend that was with her
at that time the friend was on the phone not knowing was going on ,the niqabi turns
around then the red neck kafir starts to shout U Talaban!U Talaban! U Talaban! Get out of my country!
the niqabi walked away...thinking to herself,if I were that guy I would not
speak about anything unless if,I had knowledge about that topic and so get's me
mad when muslims stare at niqabis if as if they had never seen one before..
there was this one muslim lady ask me what do you put ure life in danger?knowing
that ure in kafir land and u were niqabi,and ure very young and ure not scared and .
I told that muslim lady there is no one that I should fear expect Allah
subanahu wa ta'ala,and why should I be scared of THE GREAT enmey aka kafirs.
let me tell story about niqabi,there was stronge niqabi in this one high school in u.s,
one day group of muslims girls came to her ,said to her..are you going to take of ure
niqab like rest of the niqabis and she replied''I WILL DIE WITH NIQAB(ALLAHU AKBAR
..... the next part of dress code of Islam......And tell believing woman to
lower her gaze(from lookin at forbidden things) and protect their private parts
and not show off their adorments expect that which is apparent(like eye or two neccssity
to see the way)and to draw their veils all over their JUYUBHINNA(i.e. their bodies,
face, neck and bosoms)and not reveal their adorments expect to their husband,their
father's,their husband's farther,their sons,their borther's sons or their sister's
sons or to muslim woman,slave whom their right hand posses or old male servant
who lack vigour or small children who have no sense of shame of sex and let them
not STAMP their feets so as to reveal what they have hide of their adorments,
all of you beg ALLAH to forgive you all,o BELIEVERS,that you may be succesful 24:30

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