we need to make a change

Submitted by : murdersozzy on Think


we have to change
before we come too close in range
with judgement day
some people dont believe
there like gosh life is just a relieve
but they seems not to see the grieve
the grieve you cost to adem and eve
but for you disbelievers who celebrte
chrismas eve i wonder why cause prophet isa never died so i speak to achieve my goals and what you have is hate then a easy way is just to leave cause where just tryin to make a point to help our brothers and sister join as once eve was a part of adems joint i would whant to be floating in the rivers of heaven reather glowing under the lake of hell this words i say let them ring bells in your head
awake from your endless dream cause this world will frost you like cake and cream
your under the dirt no one but you and allah
you'll soon say i now know why my frieands and family members would stay up late and pray and there you are in the conner with liter and a blunt about smoke haram into your
lungs some cant tell the deffernt between haram and halal...ands thats so sad this life
is just bad but thank allahi and be glad and not mad

by.mohamed haji-murdersozzy

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