Absolute Unity

Submitted by : Sohail Syed on The Holy Quran

Absolute Unity

I am ALLAH: The One and only

I rule the worlds all alone
Yet I do not feel lonely

I’ve set everything organized
My signs all around to advertise

I am the self sufficient forever

I need no ones help, no matter what so ever
I am the most Intelligent, the One most clever
I am the self existing start who ends never

I beget not, neither am I begotten

Nothing from my record is ever forgotten
I have no parents, I am no ones father
Of every single atom I am the only warden
You can call me a patron, can call me a guardian

There is nothing like unto Me

I have power over everything
Things which are hidden and the things which you can see
If I ordain a task, it occurs when I only say ‘be’

I am uniquely incomparable
Purely Transcendent is Me
So prostrate, Alone to Me
With your head and toes
Hands - elbows
Bending back and bending knees
As Master of the Day of Judgment is Me

Written by: Sohail Syed
Poem Category: Eternal Truth
(The Truth of God from God himself)

Author’s Comments

- The 112th chapter of the TRUE KORAN has inspired me to write this Poem

- Chapter 112 The Absolute Unity
- 1. Say He is ALLAH, The One and Only
- 2. The Ever Existing, Self Sufficient
- 3. He begets not, neither is He begotten
- 4. There is nothing like unto Him
- These are the original 4 verses from the Pure Koran in the

112th Chapter

- My poem is not an addition to these verses, but the extra verses in my poems are exactly what ALLAH says in The Glorious Quran in other chapters, its just that I have compiled few verses from other chapters, which talk about………. Absolute Unity with the 4 verses of the 112th Chapter

- I have just given these verses a poetic effect and explained the verses of the Heavenly Quran in my style, in my manner, in my mode

- The day every single human will believe in these 4 verses, we will surely find Peace and Absolute unity in the World

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