Am I supposed to be proud?

Submitted by : qalamuddin on Muslim Woman

Am I supposed to be proud? (My reaction to the 1st Muslim Miss Universe Singapore in 2002)

A non-Muslim friend made this remark
"Now, you Muslims should feel proud"
I looked at him with a big question mark
"Hey, you now have a girl to pull in the crowd"

I am puzzled
He continued, "That Muslim girl is Singapore's, very own Miss Universe"
I choked and trembled
Deep in my heart, "Can the decision be reverse"

Am I supposed to be happy with this new found development?
Whilst a sister-in-Islam gleefully displayed her body "ornament"
On stage, lights and glitters for the skimpy parade
Yet another deception in this life's charade

Oh, sister for a short-timed fame
What happened to the "nafs" you are supposed to tame?
for the glitz and glamour
thrown aside is the Hijab -"a suit of armour", protecting thy honour.

"Oh, I am but a new modern Muslim.
I take the effort to be pretty, sexy and slim
I don't care and don't bother what others think
Mind your business and let me do my things".

I pray that the above is not the attitude
a woman putting on a dress but will still be nude*
In Islam there is no dispute
covering the "aurah" is not to refute

This episode is indeed insane
as a fellow Muslim we should feel the pain
or are we supposed to keep our mouths shut
when fellow Muslims keep throwing us "mud"?**

It is not simple and easy as it seems
I pray that our ignorant sister has the time to redeem
From the parents and friends all must chip in
reminding each others from within

A Muslim Ummah is only strong
if each member reminds others when the latter did wrong
"Amar ma'ruf and nahy mungkar" a quality that has died long
Khairah Ummah isn't that where we belong?

A sad day has just begun
when a Muslimah, a sin she doesn't shun
Oh Allah! I pray to YOU, show her a sign***
let her know that her body is not thus design

Firdaus 26th March 2002

* Hadhrat Abu Hurairah (R.A.) relates that Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said: "I have not yet seen two groups of Jahannamis, (because they have not emerged thus far). One group is of those men who will have lashes the size of the tails of oxen, in their hands, with which they will lash the faces of others. The other group is of those women who will wear clothes, yet they will be naked. They will attempt to attract people towards themselves and they will incline towards people (men). Their heads will appear to be like a dromedary (camel). Such women will never be able to enter Jannat, nay, they will not even smell the fragrance of Jannat, although the fragrance of Jannah will spread far

** Hadhrat Zainab bint Jahash (RA.) narrates that Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) was asked: "0 Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) What will ruin and destruction come upon us even if there are pious servants of Allah living amongst us?" "Yes", replied Nabi (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam), "When the evil of sins Spread", (then the existence of even pious people will not stop ruin and destruction.)

***"Oh Allah, showers her with your hidayah and change her heart to be a devoted Muslimah, Amin" "May Allah protects us from the shayatin"

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