Ayna Jundu Al-Muslimeen?

Submitted by : admin on Strugle

Ayna Jundu Al-Muslimeen?

The Widows and orphans cry
No stopping the tears
For the last few years
Ever since they came and invaded
And turned our world upside down

Bombs go off
In the markets and masjids
Nowhere is safe
From the occupying army
The so called liberators and braves

The widows and orphans ask
Ayna jundu Al- Muslimeen
Where are the army of the Muslims?

The soil of our lands is polluted
Not just by the invading armies
But the depleted uranium and chemicals
Smoke fills the air
And blackens the sky
The rivers are poisoned
Not just by the dead bodies
But the filth pumped into it

The sand and sky ask
Ayna jundu Al-Muslimeen
Where are the army of the Muslims?

The prisoners in jails raped and sodomised
Like Fatima cry daily
Tears run dry
But still the pain remains
Honour violated and taken
For both men and women

In between torture and pain
They ask
Ayna jundu Al-Muslimeen
Where are the army of the Muslims?

The Muslim Ummah watches and sees the genocide on TV
Its blood boils inside
Some make dua
While others cry
Some work for change
Most are complacent and defeated

But all ask
Ayna jundu Al-Muslimeen
Where are the army of the Muslims?

The Muslim army sit in their barracks
Clean their guns and uniforms for another parade
While some are used to kill fellow Muslims
By the corrupt leaders

The army of the Muslims exists
But no one to lead them
No Islamic state
And no Emir to lead them into battle

Oh! Army of the Muslims
Give your support to those who seek it
Overthrow the corrupt evil despots
And establish Allah’s Shariah on this earth
For you are the Jundu Al-Muslimeen
The army of the Muslims

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