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Bismillah Ir-Rahman, Ir-Raheem. I begin with ALLAH's auspiciousness,whose Name is the Best among all the names. All Revences, All Sanctities and All Worships are due to ALLAH alone. Ashahadu An Laa illaaha illal llahu
Wa Ash Hadu Anna Muhammadan Abdu Hu Wa Rasooluhu
''I bear witness that there is no deity but Allah
who is without partner, and I bear witness that Muhammad (Peace be upon Him) is the Rasool.''
"O Allah, Shower Your Peace come upon Muhammad and the family of Muhammad, as you have brought peace to Ibrahim and his family.
Truly, You are Praiseworthy and Glorious. O Allah, Shower your blessing upon Muhammad and the family of Muhammad, as you have blessed Ibrahim and his family. Truly, You are Praiseworthy and Glorious". Iam Satisfied with Allâh as My Rabb and Cherisher,Iam Satisfied With Islam as My Din(religion) and I am satisfied with Muhammad as a Rasulallah (Messenger)sallallahu alaihi was salam) I seek Protection with ALLAH! With the Glorious and Noble Face of ALLAH! With the Complete and Perfect words of ALLAH! With the Exalted Attributes of ALLAH! From the Punishment of Hell; From chastisement in the Grave; From the Trial of Life and Death; From the Mischief of the dajjal. There is no power nor strength with (anyone) save Allah. ALLAH is Good and Only accept that which is Good. ALLAH is the Truth and only accept that which True. ALLAH is Pure and only accept that which is Pure. Ya ALLAH! ALL the praises are for You,You are the Holder of the Heavens and the Earth, And whatever is in them. Ya ALLAH! All praises are for You; You are are the Substaner of the Heavens and the Earth And whatever is in them. Ya ALLAH! All the praises are for you;You have the Possession of the Heavens and the Earth and whatever is in them. Ya ALLAH! All the praises are for You; You are Light(Nur) of the Heavens and Earth And whatever is in them. Ya ALLAH! All praises are for You; You are the King of the Heavens and the Earth And whatever is in them. Ya ALLAH! All praises are for You; You are the Truth and Your Promise is the Truth, And Your word is the Truth and the Meeting with You is true, And Parardise is True And Hell is true and All the Prophets(peace be upon them) are true; And Muhammad Rasulallah(sallallahu alayhi wa salam) is true,And the Day of Resurrection is True. Ya ALLAH! You have promise and Your promise is the truth,Ya ALLAH! You have promise and Your words is the truth, Ya ALLAH! You have promise and You are the Truth!. Ya ALLAH! You have created Rasulallah(sallallahu alayhi wa salam) to be the most truthful of men and what He(sallallahu alayhi wa salam) has said is the absolute truth! Ya ALLAH! You have promise that You would send one who would revive,restore,rejuvevate Your Din(religion).Ya ALLAH it is geting late and time is not with us,Ya ALLAH You have Promise! Ya ALLAH You have Promise! and Your Promise is the Truth!.-----------------------------------------------Ya ALLAH let us reach Ramadan, Ya ALLAH let us reach Ramadan, Ya ALLAH let us reach ramadan, And approve our fast and night prayer in it, and grant us in it safety from hellfire, by your mercy! O Most Merciful of those who show mercy!… O Most Merciful of those who show mercy!…O Most Merciful of those who show mercy!… O Allah, guide us among those whom You have guided aright; and grant us well-being among those whom You have granted well-being; and protect us with those whom You have protected. Bless for us all that You have given us; and save us and keep us away from any evil that You have or may decreed. O Allah, save us and keep us away from any evil that You have or may decreed. O Allah, save us and keep us away from any evil that You have or may decreed, for verily Your decree is the truth, and none can decree over Your decree. And none is disgrace whom You befriend, and none is honored whom You disgrace. Blessed are You, Our Rabb, The Exalted in Might. To You, O Allah, all praise is due for what You have decreed, and to You, O Allah, is due all thanks for All that You have created, Your blessings and bounty. We seek forgiveness from (You) “O Allah!, and we repent to You. We seek forgiveness fromYou! O Allah, and we repent to You.
We seek forgiveness from You, O Allah, for every sin and every misstep (we have taken), and we turn to You in repentance. We believe in You and rely on You.And we put our trust in You, O ALLAH, And we hope for Your Mercy and Fear Your punishment! You are the Rich, the Self-Sufficient and Free of All Needs (al-Ghaniyy), and we are poor and bereft before You. You are the Most Strong (al-Qawiyy), and we are weak and vulnerable before You.
You are the Rich (al-Ghaniyy), and we are poor and bereft before You. You are the Most Strong (al-Qawiyy), and we are weak and vulnerable before You.
You are the Rich (al-Ghaniyy), and we are poor and bereft before You. You are the Most Strong (al-Qawiyy), and we are weak and vulnerable before You.
O Allah – You who are near to those who are cut off (from hope) – draw us close to You,O ALLAH!
O Allah, And gift us with righteous action from Your Grace that will bring us closer to You!
O Allah, conceal (our faults) and protect us while we are on this Earth, and at the time of death,and when we are beneath the Earth, and on the Day when we are rise up and when our deeds are take into account and presented to You. [Repeated three times]
O Allah, beautify our Hearts when standing before You in Prayer and on the Day of Qiyamat (Resurrection).
O Allah, do not disappoint us on that Day, that we are presented before You to be judged. [Repeated three times]
O Allah, accept our prayers, our fasting, our standing in worship, our bowing and our prostration.
O Allah, accept our prayers. O Allah, accept our fasting. O Allah, accept our standing in worship. O Allah, accept our bowing. O Allah, accept our prostration. [Repeated three times]
O Allah, make us among those who are freed from the Fire this Ramadan. [Repeated three times]
O Allah, save us from the Fire. O Allah, save us from the Fire. O Allah, save us from the Fire. O Allah, protect us from the shame and disgrace of the Fire. O Allah, protect us from any deed that draws us closer to the Fire. O Allah, enter us into Paradise with the righteous, by Your mercy, O You Who is Most Noble (al-`Azeez), Oft-Forgiving (al-Ghaffar).
O Allah, make us, our Rabb, in this month of ours, on this day of ours, on this very night, from those who are freed from the Fire, and make us from those who are accepted by You, the successful.
… By Your Mercy, O Most Merciful of those who show Mercy…
By Your mercy, O Most Merciful of those who show Mercy…
By Your Mercy!

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