Dream Husband(InshaAllah!!!)

Submitted by : mujihada on Romantic

as'salaamu alaikum wa Rahamatullahi ta'ala wa Barakutuh beloved brothers and sisters in Islam here is yet again another poem i would like to share with you guys inshaAllah Ta'ala and I hope this message reachs you guys in the highest Iman and in good health inshaAllah Ta'ala Ma'Salaam......

If had to imagine a guy that I would spend the rest on my life with without doubt I would choose you

you have passed all the test for the best husband in the world it's time we start to bulid our nest of love

we both live in the west where we are surounded with tempatation everywhere you go you see woman clothed but naked

showing off their body without any shame at all

so they can trap men with it and let them be amused by it But you lower your gaze and just walk away brush those womans off as if they were dust

you hold yourself back and control your lust I know every muslim girl has a guy like you in mind

you are one of kind that is hard to find

The one who follows the deen is better than than the one who smokes weed and kicks back and relaxs in this dunya

that will melt away like ice creame

you fear Allah subanahu wa ta'ala so much you break into tears just thinking about the blazing Hellfire

you get so sad when you hear that someone passed away as if you knew your death was so near

in life you went through so much pain but it's cool though Alhamduillah you gained so much as well it drives me insane just thinking about how much I love you oh future hubby to be!

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