For Your Sake Only . . .

Submitted by : Wayfarer on Romantic

For Your Sake Only...

I want to love only for the sake of Allah
So how could I be so vulnerable to this fella?
My head tells me that he’s not the one for me
Cuz I always imagined it would be me doing the choosing so how could this be?
That such an ordinary brother can sweep me off my feet?
My ideal so lofty and sunnah strict
But my heart keeps skipping beat for beat
I can’t help but feel flattered by his compliments so sweet
I lower my gaze and keep turning away
But somehow our paths keep on crossing anyway
Ya Allah what kind of a test have You sent my way?
I have no right to question You but what can I say
I feel like I am on a rollercoaster of emotion
Excited, frightened
Oh so much confusion
Shaitan’s illusion?
Is his admiration true?
Does he really care for the deen like I do?
Is he just playing with my heart?
Cuz I don’t want to get hurt and fall apart
All I should do now is pray
Ya Allah me guide through this - You show me the way
If he be good for me and my deen
Then make it easy for me
Otherwise turn him away from me
Make me contented with Your decree
Whatever happens don’t let this muslimah lose her dignity
I accept that You know what’s best for me
Please preserve me

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