Hanifan mirror of Ibrahim (as) 1

Submitted by : hanifan on Islam


Hanifan, reflection of Ibrahim who turned his face to the truth of Almighty Allah,
Here is your curriculum, on your rebirth, oh Hanifan to establish your own cosmic superstar.

Hanifan is morally upright, singularly alone, a slave of Almighty Allah,
He turns his heart and his mind through meditation, a true Hanafar.

All of Gods Prophets have always invited their peoples to incline to the truth,
To have a good moral code, be kind and forgiving not arrogant and aloof.

All Holy books once illuminated their believers deep from within,
Freeing the new reverts from every torment and sin.

The beautiful words and invocations from the Quran each believer transforms,
Lifting the ones who turn to Him, to His personally appointed platforms.

Oh baby Hanifan your selection of womb is between Allah and your soul,
Now your formal and your religious education is your new parents role.

O Hanifan if your parents are Muslim, you are already born within the light,
Pagan parents? Fear not, you could be chosen later and filled with Allah’s might.

Even a disbeliever with good moral fibre and a truthful disposition,
If chosen, could be catapulted into an astronomical spiritual ascension.

O Hanifan do not forego or delay your charity or negate your Namaaz,
Your Holy Prophet (saw) would lament you; his tears would outnumber the stars.

O Hanifan yours is divine guidance, to the truth you are no longer blind,
Go forth bear witness, give testimony of the truth to all of humankind.

O Hanifan tell all Muslims that they too with this witness are graced,
As successors to the Holy Prophet (saw) His mission is with them now placed.

O Hanifan your task is to bear witness to the Prophet’s code of behaviour,
This responsibility taken seriously, could be your brother or sisters saviour.

O Hanifan be alert and be active, for still waters become quickly stagnant,
Thus becomes man faithless, hateful, spiteful, greedy and ignorant.

O Hanifan be humble and be happy with whatever your Creator provides,
Happiness, good fortune, the sadness of misfortune, whatever the Creator decides.

O Hanifan be humble, be modest and unassuming in all of life’s circumstances,
Smile sweetly when greeted with hate and malice and evil eyed glances.

O Hanifan teach the truth and remember your service to Allah is one of righteousness,
Fret not that others reject the truth and arrogantly question your piousness.

Hanifan 10-12-2007 (more to follow)

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