Hanifan mirror of Ibrahim (as) 5

Submitted by : hanifan on Islam


O Hanifan your feet are planted in the rich soil of Sharia law and divine remembrance,
Your branches will bear beautiful spiritual fruits of divine omnipotence.

O Hanifan the seed of the sacred law is planted in your heart of ‘Divine Oneness’,
These will bear fruits testifying to the degrees of your spiritual progress,

O Hanifan when the ‘Oneness’ of Allah penetrates you spiritual heart within,
It gushes forth, overflowing like a newly formed river, fountain or spring.

O Hanifan often when a pure truth is spoken, the gushing will take you by surprise,
Bursting out of your very being, overwhelmingly powerful, its waters filling your eyes.

O Hanifan on inception you were brought from the darkness and into the light,
Your belief and steadfastness will be recompensed by the wrongs that you put right.

O Hanifan do not concern yourself with others, who at this atheistic world rant and rave,
Confine yourself to your inner peace within your divinely inspired spiritual cave.

O Hanifan seek pearls of wisdom from masters both near and far,
Do this in seclusion and know the true meaning of being a true Hanafar.

O Hanifan during your remembrance visions of great master’s may come and go,
Select only the purest of the seeds they leave, for you to nurture and grow.

O Hanifan even the most pious looking face does not reflect the hardness of its heart,
Read on the hardness, until it burns, only then will the vision finally depart.

O Hanifan a vision can be your own true reality, or a small or great spiritual test,
The Beautiful Names give you all of the tools to defeat even the devil’s best.

O Hanifan educate yourself with knowledge of the Sharia, Allah’s sacred law,
Endure the hardship of materialistic abstinence, for oneness you require nothing more.

O Hanifan the greater holy war (jihad) of the self, is only fought from within,
Subdue and control the beast (you) and protect yourself from its satanic sins.

O Hanifan away with material things and values, that you wrongly say are the best,
For these are the golden eggs of the devil that he places within your comely nest.

O Hanifan you are a champion and survivor of witnessing the truth of Allah,
Your abode will be in the presence of a king most powerful, the ‘Lord of the star’.

Written by hanifan 03-04-2008 (more to follow)

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