Hanifan-my choice,myIslam,the Creed and the believers

Submitted by : hanifan on Islam


Al-Islam, an indescribable, beautiful and simplistic Creed for the Hanifan, theTruth seeker,
In the time of the Holy Prophet (saw) Islam was a Gem to behold, but now the future is somewhat bleaker.

I passed thro’ the veil of darkness and into the Light and beheld the beauteous visions of my Creator,
The first command was to ‘destroy the Shaytan’s myth’ my journey began to find the common denominator.

Initially I was overwhelmed by the love and hospitality shown to me by my new brothers and sisters,
Unfortunately under this superficial layer, the Shaytan’s cancer spreads and slowly begins to fester.

My subsequent research into Al-Islam opened a new way of thinking; I knew not what truths I would find,
What was revealed showed me how the Ummah were being deceived, that they were being led by the blind.

It has taken many years of research for Almighty Allah to gently guide me thro’ the Shaytan’s traps,
Hanifan a Truth Seekers heart is pure, therefore Almighty Allah sends His Angels to guide you thro’ the gaps.

From my inception I have always glorified the wonders of Al-Islam, the Creator and His Messenger (saw),
To personify my love for my Creator and His Beloved Messenger (saw) was my first important agenda.

At first I was entranced with the sectarian indoctrination massaging my ego, this is the norm for new reverts,
I was mentally and spiritually manoeuvred into sectarianism, which is filled with egotists, bigots and extroverts.

I was so mystified with all that beautifies Al-Islam that I very nearly succumbed to the Shaytan’s plot,
To destroy Islam through sectarianism, for a divided Ummah can only eat from the Shaytan’s cooking pot.

My mind is numbed by the powerful control Iblees holds over the most pious and ardent believer,
He is by contrast to the lesser magicians, the most accomplished hypnotist, beguiler, liar and deceiver.

Adhere only to the path of Ibrahim (as) Hanifan and Muhammad (saw) Hanifan and His preachings,
Do not follow the sectarian (silsillahs) paths of Fitnah and Biddah and do not abrogate Allah’s doctrines.

Every great nation in all of the Holy books has succumbed to Iblees and his web of deceit, based on greed,
Without exception all nations have been led by the nose, away from the true path, and the true Creed.

Beware my dear Hanifan, if you disagree with or change any doctrine, however small within Allahs Creed,
You will betray your R?s?l (saw), you will commit Heresy (Fitnah) then you will be sowing the evil seed.

“If you were to follow the common run of those on this earth, they would lead you away from Allah,
They follow nothing but conjecture; they do nothing but lie”. (Quran: Al-Anaam: 116)

Hanifan you are not of the common run, do not follow the herd, the Shaytan owns these wayward sheep,
The true path takes away the darkness and troubles in this life, leaving only goodness and grace to reap.

The followers of the Holy Prophet (saw) were all beguiled by the Shaytan’s hypnotic whisperings,
One by one driven by power and greed, they formed new sects, worshipped Saints and their offspring’s.

They have built grand Mosques and Bar-Shareefs, they have large families, even larger financial holdings,
They listen attentively, only to their accountants, investors, political friends and the Shaytan’s goadings.

Many great Shaykhs have bequeathed us great teachings, given guidance free of charge, without qualms,
Baba-Fareed-Ganjshakar (ra) took nothing for his service to Islam, He held out His hand only for Salaams.

Silsillahs today are all claiming to be the Ehle-Sunnat, their bickering is legendary and they live in the past,
Hanifan mentioned 10 times in Quran were the first and according to the Quranic word, will be the last!! AMEEN

Written by Adam Hasan Jamal 03-07-2009

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