How wonderful the way he entered Madeenah

Submitted by : fazmy on Prophet SAW

How wonderful the way he entered Madeenah
Sweet little girls singing Tala’al Badru Alayna

And with the help of the Ansaar
He built a Masjid for Rahmaan

Using stones and even trees
For us they built, the Masjid-an-Nabawee

So Merciful was he
He made a pact with his sworn Jewish enemy

He patienly bore the Munafiqoon
And at Badr and Uhad he fought the Kafiroon

Relations with the Jews were very hostile
But into the Trench of Salmaan, they fell, line after line

The Treaty of Hudaibiya was a much needed truce
So our Beloved could invite the worldly kings to the truth

At Khaybar the jews thought themselves secure
But at the hand of Ali, their fortress was no-more

With lowered gaze he conquered Makkah
Today no blame on you, so praise your Allah

At the battle of Hunain he threw a handful of sand
Which made them flee, destroying their plan

At Tabook all lives were spared
And at the farewell hajj, the last sermon he shared

His sad demise took place at the Rawdha
Oh Allah, help us to keep alive his Sunnah

Salli Alayhi, Ya Rabbal Aalameen
Sallim alaa, Rahmatal lil Aalameen

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