Hunger Games: The Reality Show

Submitted by : ponderings on Strugle

I recently watched the movie Hunger Games. Its repulsiveness, shook my foundation but also made me question, where am I or we really heading.

I'm angry

But more than angry,

I am hurt

And more than hurt,

I am afraid

I look at this world,

This testament of the Creator's creation

And wonder, how will it testify against me

On the day when all souls stand to be reconciled

Will the tree whose branches I cut,

Say, "I gave her shade, yet she slashed my fruit-bearing arms"

Will the employee I chided stand to defend my salvation

When I enslaved her by not giving her a wage sufficient to sustain her hungry mouths

And will the grounds that I place my head on in prostration say,

"She claims to be a moslem, but has not the heart or actions of a believer"

For while I revelled in all the priveleged blessings that total the experiences we call, life;

Can I really say, I've forgiven enough, been merciful enough, shared enough and loved enough

To lived beyond this life.

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