I am worth something....

Submitted by : milgamohamud on Strugle

Am I able to walk on my 2 feet.
Will I be fragile and break down
Like, I did last time.
Will I crumple and crinkle
Like, I did before.
Will I be stronger
And, Collect my name again.
Will I be proud
That, I walked away and never came back.
I might wonder if people strugle like this
I might realize that I'm not worth alot
I feel like I'm alone,
Most of the time.
I think I am in a world
That, I can't break free from.
In a world that is teasing and taunting me
In a world that I am sometimes Not welcomed in .
I feel like I'm being avoided from certain things
I feel distracted that I'm not included
I feel like I'm worthless
Thrown away.
Been forgotten.
Never be taken.
This is what I mostly suffer from
This is what I usually get hurt alot from.
My feelings are not to be cared for
My emotions are been destroyed
Now, look
Now can you see
Can you realize
Im not worth.
I've been told to look at the bright side
But, I can't see nothing bright in my side
But, I'll try to look deep enough.
I've been told that to trust my heart
I did.
I tried.
But, all I got was to not give up
But, I did.
But I tried.
And I won.
I broke free from the world that has trapped me
Now, I look back
And all I can say is that....
I am worth something.

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