Submitted by : repenter86 on Think

There stood he with no shadow,
the sun on his hair in midday.
the fields were smelling of the sweetest green grass,
and the sky bid farewell to all grey.
with the winds playing among the hawthorn tree,
the rose bush attracted all eyes.
The mint grew down the end where the shed used to be,
up front is where we said our good byes.
the bench by the front door was worn with the years,
heard all the laughter, and felt all the tears,
seen all the action and tasted the rain,
gazed at the stars again and again.
that old house, and that big blue van,
There stood he, my father that man.
did all he could to make it all good,
kept up his head like every man should.
No shadow, I remember it well,
listening to the stories he'd tell.
there on that field with that rose bush nearby.
where we once said hello, but now it's good bye.

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