ISLAM the Checklist!

Submitted by : qalamuddin on Think

ISLAM the Checklist!

In every matter we undertake
There is sure a decision at stake
And as a Muslim there must be a system inside
That will help us to decide

A checklist!
That’s the least
A simple guide
To prevent us plunging down slide

Islam as The Checklist
Just remember these five please
So your mind will be at ease
When embarking on anything just try this

Intention is the key to everything *
From eating, standing, sleeping and worshipping
These acts must be set for the ONE and ONLY
As sincerity will be rewarded handsomely

Safety in all aspects
After considering much without disrespect
Our words and actions, in equal proportion
Must not be the cause of any distortion **

Legality has to be a priority ***
As Islam condemns impropriety
To maintain sanctity
Within the city

Actions must be appropriate following what the Prophet (pbuh) has taught
This must not be compromised, sold or bought ****
As in Islam all is given in order
So there will be no problem to shoulder

Mechanism and means must not be a burden *****
Either physically, financially or emotionally not all the sudden
If the action will make you saddened
A simple thing to do is just to abandon

These five small considerations
Will help you in your deliberation
This should be the tact
As Muslim we always see, think and act

It’s time to unite and close ranks
Not fighting one another with tanks
Just give thanks
To Allah swt let us be sincere and frank! ******

Penned by Qalamuddin dated 10/01/2012

* “All actions are judged by motives, and each person will be rewarded according to their intention. Thus, he whose migration was to God and His Messenger, his migration is to God and His Messenger; but he whose migration was for some worldly thing he might gain, or for a wife he might marry, his migration is to that for which he migrated.” (Saheeh Al-Bukhari, Saheeh Muslim)

** The Holy Prophet [s] said: "Shall I not introduce 'a believer' to you? A believer is the one whom other believers trust with their souls and wealth. Shall I not introduce 'a Muslim' to you? A Muslim is the one from whose hand and tongue other Muslims are safe.... It is unlawful (Haram) for a believer to do wrong against another believer, or leave him/her in a lurch, or backbite against him/her, or suddenly reject him/her."

*** Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said: “Halal is clear and the Haram (unlawful) is clear. Between the two there are doubtful matters concerning which people do not know. One who avoids them in order to safeguard his deen (religion) and his honour are safe, while if some one indulges in it, he may be indulging in the unlawful…” (Bukhari)

**** “Every Innovation is Misguidance” Muslim, al-Nasa’i and ibn Majah relate from Jarir bin ‘Abdullah al-Bajali who said: the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “Whoever introduces some good practice in Islam will have the reward of it, as well as the reward of those who act on it after him, without their rewards being diminished in any respect. And whoever introduces some evil practice in Islam will bear the burden of it as well as the burden of those who act on it after him, without theirs being diminished in any respect.”

al-Nawawi said: In it is encouragement for originating good deeds and enacting good practices and a warning against baseless and repugnant acts. In the hadith is a specification of his (saw) saying: “Every new matter is an innovation and every innovation is misguidance.” What is meant by it are new matters which are baseless and innovations which are blameworthy. Sundi said in a commentary on ibn Majah: His saying “a good practice” means an accepted path which people follow. The distinction between a good and bad practice is in its accordance with the foundations of the Law or its failure to do so.

***** "Facilitate things to people, do not make it hard for them; give them good tidings and do not make them run away." Reporter: Hadhrat Anas bin Malik (r) Source: Sahih al-Bukhari, Vol. 1, #69

****** The people will be resurrected (and judged) according to their intentions Reporter: Hadhrat Aishah (r) Source: Sahih al-Bukhari, Vol. 3, Book of Fasting, Chapter 6, p. 69

"God said, 'I am to my servant as he thinks of Me." Reporter: Hadhrat Abu Hurairah (r) Source: Sahih al-Bukhari, Vol. 9, #596

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