
Submitted by : jameelah5 on Think

Stay down, Stay in your place,
Don’t look around, Don’t turn your face,
Just do your job and go back to watching TV.
It’s a friend and entertainment that’s so exciting,
No need to think, No need to fret,
Just focus on what the tube tells you to buy and be.

Who am I? Who are we?
Do we even have identities?
Are you a Blackberry, an I-Phone or a Galaxy?
Family, friends, invitations, visits and conversations,
What is that? What are those? No one even really knows.
Life’s just a text now, a missed call, an SMS, Bluetooth and live TV.
Think of how envied you’ll be with your new “4G Hands Free”!

Who am I? Who are we?
Do we even have identities?
Am I an X-box, a Nintendo or a PSP?
Stories, naps, free time and children playing outside,
What is that? What are those? No one even really knows.
Life’s just a game now that’s so fun and entertaining.
I know I’ll reach the next level if I just keep on playing!

Who am I? Who are we?
Do we even have identities?
Are you an Apple, a Sony or an HP?
Writing, spelling, grammar too. Time for family and time for you.
What is that? What are those? No one even really knows.
Life’s just a bunch of clicks now, Windows, memory and the size of the screen.
Go quickly to your nearest store for a great deal with a two year warranty!

Who am I? Who are we?
Do we even have identities?
Parents, teachers, nature and books before,
What is that? What are those? No one even really knows.
Which one teaches us now? The Plasma, the LCD, or the latest in Home 3D?
Life’s just the box now and education’s just false illusions flashing on the screen.
Let’s all buy a “Smart” TV, So we don’t have to be!

Who am I? Who are we?
Do we even have identities?
Goals, morals and values. What is that? What are those? No one even really knows.
We are the latest fashion, electronics, cars, and jewelry,
Is this all life’s meant to be? Products, goods, ads and commercials?
It wasn’t Visa, MasterCard, cash or “just bill me”,
Can’t you see how we’ve paid for it all with our identities?

Who am I? Who are we?
Do we even have identities?
Yes, we do! That's for sure!
We're so much more than just the trend du jour.
Who am I? Who are we? How should we identify?
By color, race or nationality?
By products, cars, titles or accessories?

No! None of that, none of those!
We are Muslims, Slaves of Allah.
Created to serve Him, The Owner of Majesty and Honor,
We are His preferred creation, chosen above all the rest.
To carry His message both wide and far,
That's why He puts us to the test.
He blessed us with the choice to obey Him,
And a mind to understand each situation.

How very noble is our great station!
For He honored us with the identity of Islam!
And He made us to be the very best of man.
Oh Muslims, Oh Servants of Allah…
You are more valuable than any product by far,
And never in this world forget who you are,
Through this you will find eternal serenity,
And never pay for anything with your blessed identity!

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