If I hate what I should love

Submitted by : writer1 on Think

If I hate what I should love
And love what I should hate
Then, please tell me, what will be my fate?
Except that I will completely fail life’s test
And have no peace, no tranquillity, no mind at rest

If I continually do little right and much wrong
Being very weak and only minutely strong
I will fall neither to fully beast nor equal to a true man
Lying to myself I cannot reform when I know I can

It’s like taking two steps forward and three steps back
Then wondering what it is I lack
That keeps me from reaching my goal
When I have sullied my conscience and chained my soul

It’s like diving into the depths of sea
Then complaining about not reaching the mountain top
Or starting to climb and then stop
Unwilling to strive and fight
Then moaning about not reaching any great heights

If I face away from good
And towards evil I turn
It’s like putting my whole self in fire
Then complaining when I burn

If I hate what I should love
And love what I should hate
Then I know what will be my fate:

Failing life’s test
Body and soul a mess
No peace, no tranquillity,
And eternal unrest.

Taken from my book "Contemplate" - by Saqib Hussain

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