If Rock Could Talk

Submitted by : Sohail Syed on Allah's Creations

If Rock Could Talk………

I am created by nails and hammers,
I am painted with artificial colors.
To look good I need to be furbished,
To last for a while I need to be nourished.

You have to create me, so that I can be,
I was never your creator, I can never ever be,
The truth which you can’t but Abraham can see,
I am not worth worshiping, there's nothing I can feel.

I am like a doll which can never grow tall,
I break into pieces if I ever fall,
I can neither hear you call nor can see you all.

I cannot help you breathe, I cannot help you succeed.
I am not the one to feed you, I am not the one to lead you,
I am neither the one to make you, nor the one to take you.

Why should you kneel me if I can’t heal you?
Why should you worship me if I can’t feel you?

You have me in your house to make your life better,
What will I profit you Instead I've always been your debtor.
I was never your creator, I can never ever be.
The truth which you cant but Sohail can see,
I am not worth worshiping, there's nothing I can feel.

Written by: Sohail Syed
Poem Category: Eternal Truth
(The speaking statue)

Author’s Comments

- I believe this poem to be the most sophisticated, decent and logical way to make Idolaters understand that, worshiping deities, statues, stones, graven images, natural and un-natural things are an illogical, False and unworthy way of following any Religious Belief System.

- All most all the religious scriptures around the world of any religion believe in the worship of One unseen God who seems to be inexhaustible, ever-living, colorless, genderless and limitless, unlike anything any where.

- The One who has Power over everything, The All Able

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