In the Days of the Sahabah(Part2)

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Bismillah Ir-Rahman, Ir-Raheem. I begin with ALLAH's auspiciousness,whose Name is the Best among all the names. All Revences, All Sanctities and All Worships are due to ALLAH alone. Ashahadu An Laa illaaha illal llahu
Wa Ash Hadu Anna Muhammadan Abdu Hu Wa Rasooluhu
''I bear witness that there is no deity but Allah
who is without partner, and I bear witness that Muhammad (Peace be upon Him) is the Rasool.''
"O Allah, Shower Your Peace come upon Muhammad and the family of Muhammad, as you have brought peace to Ibrahim and his family.
Truly, You are Praiseworthy and Glorious. O Allah, Shower your blessing upon Muhammad and the family of Muhammad, as you have blessed Ibrahim and his family. Truly, You are Praiseworthy and Glorious". Iam Satisfied with Allâh as My Rabb and Cherisher,Iam Satisfied With Islam as My Din(religion) and I am satisfied with Muhammad as a Rasulallah (Messenger)sallallahu alaihi was salam) I seek Protection with ALLAH! With the Glorious and Noble Face of ALLAH! With the Complete and Perfect words of ALLAH! With the Exalted Attributes of ALLAH! From the Punishment of Hell; From chastisement in the Grave; From the Trial of Life and Death; From the Mischief of the dajjal. There is no power nor strength with (anyone) save Allah. ALLAH is Good and Only accept that which is Good. ALLAH is the Truth and only accept that which True. ALLAH is Pure and only accept that which is Pure. Ya ALLAH! ALL the praises are for You,You are the Holder of the Heavens and the Earth, And whatever is in them. Ya ALLAH! All praises are for You; You are are the Substaner of the Heavens and the Earth And whatever is in them. Ya ALLAH! All the praises are for you;You have the Possession of the Heavens and the Earth and whatever is in them. Ya ALLAH! All the praises are for You; You are Light(Nur) of the Heavens and Earth And whatever is in them. Ya ALLAH! All praises are for You; You are the King of the Heavens and the Earth And whatever is in them. Ya ALLAH! All praises are for You; You are the Truth and Your Promise is the Truth, And Your word is the Truth and the Meeting with You is true, And Parardise is True And Hell is true and All the Prophets(peace be upon them) are true; And Muhammad Rasulallah(sallallahu alayhi wa salam) is true,And the Day of Resurrection is True. Ya ALLAH! You have promise and Your promise is the truth,Ya ALLAH! You have promise and Your words is the truth, Ya ALLAH! You have promise and You are the Truth!. Ya ALLAH! You have created Rasulallah(sallallahu alayhi wa salam) to be the most truthful of men and what He(sallallahu alayhi wa salam) has said is the absolute truth! Ya ALLAH! You have promise that You would send one who would revive,restore,rejuvevate Your Din(religion).Ya ALLAH it is geting late and time is not with us,Ya ALLAH You have Promise! Ya ALLAH You have Promise! and Your Promise is the Truth!.
Ya ALLAH! "O Turner of hearts, make our hearts firm in Your deen and make our deen Straight Islam!"O' Converter of Hearts,make our Hearts reflex the light(The Nur) of the Sahabah ,make my heart steadfast upon your Din!' Ya Allah, you are As-Salam, the source of Peace. From you Comes all Peace and Tranquility. Ya AS-Salam, there are those across this Ummah that are living in broken homes And there are those who are living homeless, who are in need of a home of safety,security and peace in this world and Grant us such a home in this world and a Home of safety,security and Peace in the Hereafer.Ya ALLAH! O Grantor of Peace! Give peace to the Hearts of all those who are in broken relationships- mothers that are broken with their children, spouses whose relationships is broken, friends whose relationships are broken, and slaves of yours whose relationships with You are broken. Ya ALLAH! Ya ALLAH!Ya ALLAH!, you are the healer of Hearts you are the remover of pain, you are the Giver of peace. Heal the hearts of those whose homes & hearts are broken. Soften the hearts that have become hard with sin. Give patience and courage to those that are mocked and suffer as they struggle to remain on your path.
Guide the families that are far away from guidance, heal the hearts that are hurting and Sick take away the pain from our Hearts, Ya Rabb of Mankind, and make every hardship a means of returning back to you. Give us peace in our hearts and Souls so that we can face every storm with an Alhamdulillah.Ya ALLAH! Ya Rabb! enable me to be grateful for the favors which you have bestowed on me!
Ameen! There is an emptiness in the Hearts of men that cannot be filled except with the love of ALLAH and the Love for ALLAH and by turning to ALLAH and always remembering ALLAH!
The Sahabah whose hearts were illuminated with the light(Nur) of Qur'anic guidance and the excellence example of Rasulallah(sallallahu alayhi wa salam) were always receptive and responsive to this divine instruction, which they recited in the ayats that enjoin good and forbid evil. So their kindness and respect towards other would increase, and they became even more devoted in their day to day living.These are the characteristics of the People who were the Sahabah of Rasulallah(sallallahu alayhi wa salam).Rasulallah(sallallahu alayhi wa salam)was of the best character, as Allah (SWT) said:( And you [stand] on an exalted standard of character.) (Qur'an 68:4) He Rasulallah(sallallahu alayhi wa salam). repeatedly told his Sahabah of the effect a good attitude would have in forming an Islamic personality and in raising a person's status in the sight of Allah (SWT) and of other people. He Rasulallah(sallallahu alayhi wa salam). told them: "Among the best of you are those who have the best attitude (towards others)."The most beloved to me and the closest to me on the Day of Resurrection will be those of you who have the best attitudes. And the most hateful to me and the furthest from me on the Day of Resurrection will be the prattlers and boasters and al-mutafayhiqun." The Sahabah said, "Ya Rasulallah(sallallahu alayhi wa salam), we understand who the prattlers and boasters are, but who are al-mutafayhiqun?" He Rasulallah(sallallahu alayhi wa salam). said, "The proud and arrogant."The Sahabah (RAA) - men and women alike - used to hear Rasulallah's(sallallahu alayhi wa salam) noble moral teachings, and they would see with their own eyes the excellent way in which he used to deal with people. So they would obey his words and follow his example. Thus was established their society which has never been equalled by any other in the history of mankind. Anas (RAA) said: " Rasulallah(sallallahu alayhi wa salam)was merciful. Nobody came to him without receiving a promise of his help, which he would fulfil if he had the means to do so. On one occasion, the iqamah for prayer had been given, when a Bedouin came to him, took hold of his cloak, and said, `I still have some matter outstanding, and I do not want to forget it.' So Rasulallah(sallallahu alayhi wa salam) went with him and resolved the matter, then he came back and prayed."Rasulallah(sallallahu alayhi wa salam) did not see anything wrong with listening to the Bedouin and resolving his issue, even though the iqamah had already been given. He did not get upset with the man for pulling on his cloak, or object to resolving the matter before the prayer, because he was building a just society, teaching the Muslims by his example how a Muslim should treat his brother, and showing them the moral principles that should prevail in a Muslim community.
If good attitudes and manners among non-Muslims are the result of a good upbringing and solid education, then among Muslims such good attitudes come, above all, from the guidance of Islam, which makes good attitudes a basic characteristic of the Muslim, one which will raise his status in this world and will weigh heavily in his favour in the Hereafter. No deed will count for more on the Day of Judgement than a man's good attitude, as Rasulallah(sallallahu alayhi wa salam)said: "Nothing will weigh more heavily in the balance of the believing servant on the Day of Resurrection than a good attitude (towards others). Verily Allah (SWT) hates those who utter vile words and obscene speech."Islam has made this good attitude towards others an essential part of faith, and those who have the best attitude towards others are the most complete in faith, as Rasulallah(sallallahu alayhi wa salam)said: "The most perfect in faith of the believers are those who are best in their attitude towards others. Islam also describes those who have the best attitude towards others as being the most beloved to Allah (SWT) of His servants. This is seen in the hadith of Usamah ibn Shurayk, who said: "We were sitting with Rasulallah(sallallahu alayhi wa salam)as if there were birds on our heads: none of us were talking. Some people came to him and asked, `Who is the most beloved to Allah (SWT) of His Servants?' He said, `Those who are the best in attitude towards others.'It comes as no surprise that the person who has the best attitude towards others should also be the one who is most beloved to Allah (SWT), for good treatment of others is an important feature of Islamic law. It is the most significant deed that can be placed in the balance of the Muslim on the Day of Judgement, as we have seen. It is equivalent to prayer and fasting, the two greatest bases of Islam, as Rasulallah(sallallahu alayhi wa salam) said:
"No greater deed will be placed in the balance than a good attitude towards others. A good attitude towards others will bring a person up to the level of fasting and prayer. According to another report, he Rasulallah(sallallahu alayhi wa salam) said: "By virtue of his good attitude towards others, a person may reach the level of one who habitually fasts (during the day) and stands in prayer (at night)."So Rasulallah(sallallahu alayhi wa salam) repeatedly emphasized the importance of a good attitude and encouraged his Companions to adopt it, using various methods to instil it in their hearts by his words and deeds. He understood the great impact this good attitude would have in purifying their souls and enhancing their morals and manners. For example, (he)Rasulallah(sallallahu alayhi wa salam) told Abu Dharr:
"O Abu Dharr, shall I not tell you of two qualities which are easy to attain but which will weigh more heavily in the balance?" He said, "Of course, Ya Rasulallah(sallallahu alayhi wa salam)." He said, "You should have a good attitude towards others and remain silent for lengthy periods. By the One in Whose hand is my soul, nothing that people have ever attained is better than these two."10And (he)Rasulallah(sallallahu alayhi wa salam)said: "A good attitude is a blessing and a bad attitude is a calamity. Piety (birr) lengthens life, and charity will prevent a bad death."11One of his du`a's was:
"Allahumma ahsanta khalqi fa ahsin k (O Allah (SWT), You have made my physical constitution good, so make my attitude and behaviour good also)." The prayer of Rasulallah(sallallahu alayhi wa salam), asking Allah (SWT) to make his attitude good when Allah (SWT) had described him in the Qur'an as being ( on an exalted standard of character) (Qur'an 68:4), is a clear indication of his deep concern and earnest desire that the Sahabah should continue to seek to increase in good attitudes, no matter what heights they had already scaled, just as their Rasulallah(sallallahu alayhi wa salam) continued to seek to increase in good attitudes through this du`a'. "Good attitudes" is a comprehensive term which includes all the good characteristics that human beings may acquire, such as modesty, patience, gentleness, forgiveness, tolerance, cheerfulness, truthfulness, trustworthiness, sincerity, straightforwardness, purity of heart, and so on. Our attitude towards the Sahaba should be that of love, respect, honor and appreciation, and Also peace and purity of our hearts and tongues. Allah has described this in His saying: "And those who come after them say: 'Our Rabb! Forgive us and our brethren who have preceded us in Faith, and put not in our hearts any hatred against those who have believed.'" [59:10] And Rasulallah(sallallahu alayhi wa salam) said, "The sign of faith is love of the Ansar and the sign of hypocrisy is the hatred of Ansar" [al-Bukharee, Muslim]. Why should we not be thankful to those who believed in Rasulallah(sallallahu alayhi wa salam) , assisted him, strove with their lives and wealth to make the Word of Allah supreme, preserved and transmitted to us our Din (Religion)? Who is more deserving that we pray for them and speak of them in the best manner and think of them with the best thoughts? We should therefore mention their virtues and remain silent about any mistakes they made and about anything that occurred between them, as Rasulallah(sallallahu alayhi wa salam) advised us: "When my Sahabah are mentioned then withhold" [Saheeh, at-Tabaranee]. And he also said, "Do not abuse my Sahabah, for if any of you were to spend gold equal to (mountain of) Uhud in charity, it would not equal a handful of one of them or even half of that" [al-Bukharee, Muslim]. And he said, "Whoever abuses my Sahabah, upon them is the curse of Allah, the angels and all the people" [Saheeh, At-Tabaranee]. The deeds and virtues of the Sahaba, may Allah be pleased with them all, should be what every Muslim should strive to emulate to the best of one's ability. Their behavior and sincerity were praised by Rasulallah(sallallahu alayhi wa salam) and that suffices as proof. Ibn al-Qayyim (may Allaah have mercy on him) said: Allaah knows best where to place His Message, both with regard to the original recipient Rasulallah(sallallahu alayhi wa salam) and those who inherit it from him(The Sahabah). He knows best who is fit to receive His Message and convey it to His slaves in a trustworthy and sincere manner, respecting the Sender(ALLAH) and fulfilling his duties towards Him, patiently following His commands and showing gratitude for His blessings and drawing close to Him, and He knows who is not fit for that. Similarly, He knows best who among the nations is fit to be the heirs of His Messengers and to succeed them and convey the Message that they received from their Rabb. The Holy Quran:(The Words of ALLAH)said Muhammad is the Messenger of Allaah. And those who are with him are severe against disbelievers, and merciful among themselves. You see them bowing and falling down prostrate (in prayer), seeking Bounty from Allaah and (His) Good Pleasure.The mark of them (i.e. of their Faith) is on their faces (foreheads) from the traces of prostration (during prayers). This is their description in the Tawraat (Torah). But their description in the Injeel (Gospel) is like a (sown) seed which sends forth its shoot, then makes it strong, and becomes thick and it stands straight on its stem, delighting the sowers, that He may enrage the disbelievers with them. Allaah has promised those among them who believe (i.e. all those who follow Islamic Monotheism, the religion of Muhammad Rasulallah(sallallahu alayhi wa salam) till the Day of Resurrection) and do righteous good deeds, forgiveness and a mighty reward (i.e. Paradise)"[al-Fath 48:29]. The Sahaba were undoubtedly the best in terms of understanding the religious obligations, the Sunnah of Rasulallah(sallallahu alayhi wa salam) and the way of establishing the Islamic teachings. Their belief is an example for us, as Allah says in the Qur'an: "So if they believe in the like of that which you believe, they are rightly guided, but if they turn away, then they are only in opposition. So Allah will suffice you against them. And He is the All-Hearer, the All-Knower." [2:137] And they are the best people, to which Rasulallah(sallallahu alayhi wa salam) referred to in the Hadith: "The best of my people are my generation then those who come after them, then those who come after them, then there will come a people in whom there will be no good." [At-Tabaranee, authenticated by al-Albanee] Also, in al-Bukharee, "The best of the people are my generation, then those after them, then those after them..." This is also reported by Muslim, Aboo Dawood, at-Tirmidhee, An-Nasa'ee and others. Among the greatest reasons for the high status of the Sahaabah is that to which Allaah bore witness of their purity of heart and sincere faith. That, by Allaah, is a mighty testimony from the Rabb of mankind, which no human being can attain after the cessation of the Revelation. Listen to the words of Allaah, "Indeed, Allaah was pleased with the believers when they gave the Bay'ah (pledge) to you (O Muhammad) under the tree, He knew what was in their hearts, and He sent down As-Sakeenah (calmness and tranquillity) upon them, and He rewarded them with a near victory"ALLAH! He knew what was in their hearts" i.e., of sincerity and loyalty, and the willingness to hear and obey.How beautiful are the words of 'Abd-Allaah ibn Mas'ood (may Allaah be pleased with him): "Whoever among you wishes to follow (someone), let him follow one who has died, for the one who is still alive is not safe from fitnah. The Sahabah of Muhammad Rasulallah(sallallahu alayhi wa salam) were the best of this ummah, the most righteous of hearts and the deepest in knowledge and the most straightforward, people whom Allaah chose to accompany His Nabi and establish His Din (religion). So acknowledge their virtue and follow in their footsteps, and adhere as much as you can to their morals and Din (religion), for they were following the right guidance. The Ummah’s strength does not lie in money, natural resources or numbers – we have all of these in abundance today, whereas the ummah at in the Days of Rasulallah(sallallahu alayhi wa salam)and His Sahabah (??? ???? ????) had very little of any of them. The source of the ummah’s strength lies in Islam and in its adherence to the way of the Qur’an and Sunnah.
Rasulallah's (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) company in
Paradise: Rabee'ah (Radhiyallaho anho) narrates:
used to remain in attendance upon Rasulallah (Sallallaho
alaihe wasallam) at night.
I would keep water,miswak, praying mat, etc., ready for his Tahajjud. Once he (being very pleased with my services) asked me,
'What would you wish most?' I submitted,
Ya Rasulallah(sallallahu alayhi wa salam)!.
I wish your company in Paradise.' He asked
me if there was anything else
I wished for. But I replied.
'This is the only thing
I long for.' Upon this, he
remarked. 'All right. You should help me by prostrating
in prayer frequently.'
Here is a lesson for us. We should not depend on
verbal prayers alone, but we should also make some practical
efforts to gain our object. The best of all efforts
is Salaat.
Also, it would be not quite right to depend entirely on the prayers
of saints and pious people alone,but some times that is all we have is the prayers of the righteous,because we may be in some circumstance where no one is praying for us! This is a world of cause
and effect: and, no doubt, Allah does manytimes in His Wisdom
and Might does bring into effect things for which there is
no apparent and tangible cause, but this happens only on
very rare occasions and when ALLAH commanded it . For us! as in this world we make all possible efforts, and try not to depend on prayers alone.But again in some cases all we have is our sincere prayer,and nor should we rest contented with our lot, so in all gains pertaining to the Hereafter, we should try our best to conform to the conduct
demanded by(The Din) religious and ethical standards, and not
regard verbal prayer as the only factor which counts,unless that is all we have and we as Muslims still believe in miracles in Islam!nor
like a fatalist leave all to a ruthless destiny. No doubt, the
prayers of pious people and lovers of Allah are the Best and have their due effect, but they should accompany our own sincere efforts and even Rasulallah (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) asked
Rabee'ah (Radhiyallaho anho) to "help" him by prostrating
frequently (i.e., saying Salaat in his leisure hours too).It is a fact that the true stories of the Righteous
people deserve to be studied rather deeply, in order to really derive proper understanding and benefit from them. This is more
important in case of Sahabah, who were chosen by Allah for the company of His beloved and our dear
Rasulallah(Sallallaho alaihe wasallam). Their stories not only serve as a beacon of Light(Nur),Faith and Practice but also cause Allah's blessings and mercy to descend on the readers. ]Junaid Baghdadi (Rahmatullah alaih), a head of the Sufees, once said: "Stories of the pious and Righteous are Allah's special devices, which encourage the hearts of those who strive in
His Path;" Somebody inquired of Junaid (Rahmatullah alaih) if he could cite something in support of his statement. He replied:"Yes. Allah has said in His Book-And all that we relate unto thee of the stories of the messengers is in order that thereby We may
make the heart firm. And herein hath come unto thee the Truth and an exhortation and a reminder for believers." (XI: 120)
One cannot lay too much stress on the point that whether these be the sayings of Rasulallah(Sallallahu
alaihe wasallam) or the stories of otherALLAH-fearing people, or the books on Islamic practices, or the epistles
and written discourses of the saints, it is riot enough to go through them once only, but they have to be
studied over and over again in order to derive proper benefit from them. Abu Sulaiman Darani (Rahmatullah
alaih], a famous Saint, writes:
"I attended a discourse by a Sheikh at his residence. It had some effect on me, but only till the time that I rose
from the meeting. I went to his audience for the second time to listen to his discourse, and this time the effect
remained with me till I reached my home. When I visited him for the third time, the effect of his discourse
stayed with me even after reaching home. Then I broke the shackles that had kept me away from Allah, and
set out on His path to seek His pleasure."
Such is the case with religious books. A cursory reading of these seldom produces the desired effect, and a
frequent and thorough study thereof is therefore necessary.

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