
Submitted by : jameelah5 on Think

Love for wealth, love for status,
Always trying to get these the fastest.

Love for clout, love for power,
Trying to get more hour-by-hour.

Love for jewels and love for gold,
Collecting more than we can ever wear and hold.

Love for larger houses and bank accounts,
Worrying about dimensions and amounts.

Love for everything bought and sold,
Boundless love for things we hold.

Closets filled both in and out,
Drawers filled too and they’re spilling out!

This is love that will only disappoint you,
Most certainly and without any doubt.

Love of things fleeting and temporary,
Love like this is really just scary.

Things that you will never take with you to the grave,
Things that only in this world you crave.

Things that glitter and shine in this life only,
Distract you from the goal of the next world wholly.

What then should you love, you ask?
What then should you rush to purchase?

Where then should your money and effort go?
Collecting what instead of these items for show?

Love of Allah and love for His pleasure,
That is the only true answer, ever.

This life moves swiftly by in a blur,
But the life of paradise is infinite and forever.

Rush to do good in this life,
Compete in this without strife.

Dear brothers and sisters in Islam,
Don’t fall into this very devilish plan.

To trick you into buying this world with the life of the hereafter,
That is truly the greatest disaster!

Remember that to Allah belongs the heaven, earth and everything in between,
None of us here can ever really own even a single thing.

He is the only One that is truly rich,
Of heaven and earth He is the King

He is the One who created us from nothing,
And He is the One who gives us everything.

We are the ones who are poor,
Even with all our possessions piled on the floor.

Spend your money for the sake of Allah,
Remember that it is a trust from your Lord.

Will you use it in a good and everlasting way?
Or will you use it in this short life just for play?

Love Allah and love what He loves,
So you’ll be counted among those that He loves.

This is the only true love that will sustain you,
Making you content and forever true.

This is the only love that will never disappoint you,
And that will guide you in this life through and through.

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