My dedication to all prisoners of faith

Submitted by : admin on Strugle

My dedication to all prisoners of faith

By UR (Nelson, uk)

Restrained in a chair, tied too tightly from the wrists
I screamed with pain as they threw their heavy fists

Deep into me, toppling me to the hard wooden floor
One kicked my body and asked if I wanted some more

So tired and beaten, no escape from this ongoing Hell
The interrogation finally ended & I returned to my cell

An evil leader some years ago sold me off to the USA
To be shackled and hooded, and flown to Camp X-ray

Here I waited, beaten and humiliated by the shayateen
Forced to view sick images that I had never before seen

What crime had I committed, what wrong had I done
To be imprisoned for years, distanced from my son

I longed to converse with my fellow brothers detained
All the same, physically abused and mentally drained

I looked down at my own body scarred and tortured
O Allah! You are a Witness to all that I have endured

Sodomy being a norm for the perverted soldiers here
I prayed the punishment of Lut be on them severe

I stared blankly at the cell’s heavy mesh-sided walls
Recalling my pre-imprisonment dreams & future goals

From being a Qur’an Hafidh to a dedicated family man
They’d stolen my dreams but strengthened my iman

I smiled at the memory of my faithful, loving wife
So beautiful and optimistic in her outlook on life

Never once had she wavered in her loyalty to me
Her letters brought me hope, patience & certainty

That this test is hard and the loneliness so great
But we cannot change what’s written in our fate

Allah swt decides for us only that which is good
And I accept His Decree as a true believer should

Yet I dream of a day when I’ll walk freely like you
But will I be so happy & carefree, really like you?

My life is shattered and I am mentally scarred
Picking up the pieces seems incredibly hard

Which brother would I turn to if ever in need?
He who neglects my family out of fear & greed?

Shunned & abandoned by the ‘Muslim’ community
Our children cry helplessly while you call for Unity

What good is your Unity when you ignore their tears
Of this great injustice the Almighty Watches & Hears

A day may come when you too call out in desperation
When your heart bleeds from a similar painful seperation

Help support us & our families, O Muslims to you we turn
Do what you can by showing genuine brotherly concern.

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