Submitted by : repenter86 on Strugle

Speechless honor, silent waves, humble slaves count the days, seeking praise, giving praise, it's all the same anyways.
future stalled like a blocked up pipe, we taste the fruits not quite ripe, and ears can hear when they want to, like eyes can say what is easy, and faces smile and my hand is held, because they think they please me, shadows just about catch up, and like my friends, are never really right beside me, always lagging behind and too shy to say they tried me, and fever comes and then it goes, like every challenge that I face, but it's not because of you, the world, I hate, its an injustice that I chase, and when and if I hold it, I swear an oath that I will choke it, the heart of it and thought of it, I will make an end to it.
When my eyes are fixed on sorrow, and the veins within me swell, I will curse the whole of it, and may God damn you all to hell.
excuses fall like bubbles, but a bubble must at some point pop,
another then is formed, till no more bubbles left to drop.
and if the final bubble, should burst with all its lies, before my very soul, before my very eyes, I swear an oath that I shall rise, and be lifted to the skies.
I will break injustice or I will surely die trying, for to rid the earth of it, to me it's worth every minute of me dying.

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