Niqaab (challenge)

Submitted by : Ghurabaa on Islam

She walked alone in town with her eyes gazed upon the ground, wearing her niqaab to protect her modesty she walked slow with honesty not wanting to be a novalty but the rest sniggered as doe they were in some kind of comedy.
As 1 of them turn to her and said, what are you wearing my heart goes out to you for being suppressed.
You have no life wearing what you wear, come with me we shall free you from this fear.
Your religion is your enemy it makes no sense, why follow what you can't see its stupidity use your common-sense. You waste away your life doing what you believe look at me I am free I wear what I please there is nothing in this world I cannot achieve this is my world you will need to more like me to succeed.

She looks up for the first time listening to the women for a while, looks straight into the eyes and gives her a smile. Who's worried about this world I'm worried about the next the only thing I fear is standing on judgment day amongst the rejects. If you are right I have nothing to fear when I die there will darkness a feeling none of us will share, but my friend i speak the truth, you have everything to worry you will have no more time to repent no mater how much you hurry. So I say come with me learn our ways, it will protect you from the wrath of the last few days. Come with me and give this a chance I promise, you will feel what I feel in my heart when submit to our lord in total trance. Ignore what you hear in the media and news, they are there to run the world as they please and keeping your mind ignorant and confused. As i sat on bench close by seeing them walk away together sun shinning as it was the brightest of weather. I looked up at the sky and said a little pray, because I had just witnessed The Lord working in a mysterious way.

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