O, Propeller of Souls

Submitted by : Zahra38 on Islam

O, Propeller of souls
The force that propels my soul,
Guides me.
I am pure body and flesh in the midst of an ocean.
The fear of drowning is ever incumbent,
And my limbs tremble with every tread of the salt-riddled water,
Yet each tread is necessary,
I incur repeated gashes on my body,
From the force of the current into unknown obstacles,
Often bashing my lifeless body against sharp rocks.
Blocking my path,
And weakening my strife.
Until I am mercifully pushed free from them,
That I may float freely,
That I may discover freedom,
And thank that force, worship it,
For pushing and pulling me free,
Towards destiny,
And once again feel the pleasure of the force that propels my soul.
Propels it against uncertainty and harsh waves,
Sometimes drifting below the surface,
But reassuringly lifted up,
Lifted up for that vital breath, the vital sustenance,
That allows me to take, yet one more, tread against these waters.
For days, weeks, months and years I constantly tread these waters,
Not having a clear moment to feel burdened,
To feel forsaken,
Out of fear of losing to the current.
The current which often threatens to take my life,
In one fell swoop.

Persevere against the waves and the tide will come in.
Yet the waves come crashing in full force,
And the storms are ceaseless.
But as they leave these restless waters,
And as the waves calm in surrender,
I find the moment in that ocean,
To drown,
Drown myself in the ultimate mercy that surrounds me,
Those waves of mercy that lifted me, pushed me, drove me towards understanding,
Drove me towards a truth,
A truth that lies only with the Blower of the winds,
Shaker of the earth,
And Propeller of the souls.
The source of eternal mercy.
The Creator of peaceful seas,
And Inventer of rocky storms,
Allah, your Lord.
Provider of sustenance and Propeller of souls.
The Majestic and Overwhelming.
Lord of the worlds.
The Almighty, the Wise.
The All-Seeing, the All-Knowing.
The One in whose hand is my soul.
The rope of Allah lies here,
At the bottom of the oceans.
So drown yourself.
Drown yourself to the very bottom.
For you see ‘even if the ocean were ink, wherewith to write out the words of my Lord, sooner would the ocean be exhausted then would be the words of my Lord, even if we added another ocean like it’

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