O Muslim people! What will you do when the Mahdi comes forth!(Part2)

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Bismillah Ir-Rahman, Ir-Raheem. I begin with ALLAH's auspiciousness,whose Name is the Best among all the names. All Revences, All Sanctities and All Worships are due to ALLAH alone. Ashahadu An Laa illaaha illal llahu

Wa Ash Hadu Anna Muhammadan Abdu Hu Wa Rasooluhu

''I bear witness that there is no deity but Allah

who is without partner, and I bear witness that Muhammad (Peace be upon Him) is the Rasool.''

"O Allah, Shower Your Peace come upon Muhammad and the family of Muhammad, as you have brought peace to Ibrahim and his family.

Truly, You are Praiseworthy and Glorious. O Allah, Shower your blessing upon Muhammad and the family of Muhammad, as you have blessed Ibrahim and his family. Truly, You are Praiseworthy and Glorious". Iam Satisfied with Allâh as My Rabb and Cherisher,Iam Satisfied With Islam as My Din(religion) and I am satisfied with Muhammad as a Rasulallah (Messenger)sallallahu alaihi was salam) I seek Protection with ALLAH! With the Glorious and Noble Face of ALLAH! With the Complete and Perfect words of ALLAH! With the Exalted Attributes of ALLAH! From the Punishment of Hell; From chastisement in the Grave; From the Trial of Life and Death; From the Mischief of the dajjal. There is no power nor strength with (anyone) save Allah. ALLAH is Good and Only accept that which is Good. ALLAH is the Truth and only accept that which True. ALLAH is Pure and only accept that which is Pure. Ya ALLAH! ALL the praises are for You,You are the Holder of the Heavens and the Earth, And whatever is in them. Ya ALLAH! All praises are for You; You are are the Substaner of the Heavens and the Earth And whatever is in them. Ya ALLAH! All the praises are for you;You have the Possession of the Heavens and the Earth and whatever is in them. Ya ALLAH! All the praises are for You; You are Light(Nur) of the Heavens and Earth And whatever is in them. Ya ALLAH! All praises are for You; You are the King of the Heavens and the Earth And whatever is in them. Ya ALLAH! All praises are for You; You are the Truth and Your Promise is the Truth, And Your word is the Truth and the Meeting with You is true, And Parardise is True And Hell is true and All the Prophets(peace be upon them) are true; And Muhammad Rasulallah(sallallahu alayhi wa salam) is true,And the Day of Resurrection is True. Ya ALLAH! You have promise and Your promise is the truth,Ya ALLAH! You have promise and Your words is the truth, Ya ALLAH! You have promise and You are the Truth!. O Muslim people! What will you do when the Mahdi("The Guided one". ) comes forth!----------Holy Qur'an (30:9-10)

"And how many of the generations We did destroy before them, they were (even) better in riches and in splendor. Say you (O Our Apostle Muhammad) As to those who are in error, the Beneficent (Allah) will certainly lengthen the span (of their) life; until they behold what they were promised, be it the chastisement (in this world) or the Hour (of Doom); Then shall they know who is worse placed and (who is the) weakest in forces!"Holy Qur'an (19:74-75)

In this manner, the Qur'an has revealed the depth and content of those nations to stress that scientific development of man and his civil advancement are not able to save him from the claws of deviation and take him out of the fangs of ignorance as long as he embellishes ignorant faith and embodies the same abnormal ignorant behavior of the general society.

Although these ignorant deviated nations are scattered throughout history and The Present day,they are different in scientific and civil levels, they share common factors. One mental state combines them together and unifies their deviated course.Allah, the Exalted, says:

"And those (pagans) who have no knowledge say: 'Why does not Allah speak to us or a sign come to us?' Even thus said those before them, the like of what they say; their hearts are alike; We have indeed made clear the signs to people who are certainly sure." (the Holy Qur'an(2:118)This similarity among the hearts of the deviated nations and in many of todays peoples and the unity of the mental trend, which the Qur'an has revealed, is the common line which identifies all aspects of the pre-Islamic period and the present day standards of ignorance and is the center from which all activities of the ignorant man begins. This similarity is the factor forming the identity and personality of all Ignorant nations. Also this description may be applied to all stages of human history especially the present day people whose generations have evolved into a devious and deviated system and refused to follow the straight path of truth and peace-the straight path of ALLAH the law of the Rabb of all the worlds, and the message of salvation. (read the rest of the article on the philosophy of the Ignorance when you have time)

The real muslim tries to live a life that is acceptable before ALLAH, and if it is acceptable before ALLAH! Because he the real muslim is living his Din with knowledge and faith, so he doesn't worry about what men think.( These Socall Modern muslims) These are the People who will be the first to reject the inspired leadership that ALLAH has ordained for the Muslims world, Because this Divinely inspired Leadership doesn't Compromise Islam,And they will say that this leadership is very close to the sunnah of Rasulullah(sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) and because they will say that this Leadership donot wear a suit and tie and that this leadership has not cut his beard back or they will say that leadership is the wrong color!(he's too light! or he's too dark! ) (This is their Justification for rejecting divine guidance). But What ever ALLAH ordained is for as long He (ALLAH) will it,Whatever Allah wills, will happens and whatever He does not will does not happen. It is the Will of ALLAH that The(“Divinely guided one appear) The Mahdi

And the Leadership of Isa(alayhi salam)Come into Existence. No believer will question the fact that Allah has wills that Isa(alayhi salam) and the Mahdi will leaded the Muslim world. Isa(alayhi salam) will be as Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam)Describe Him. Then Hazrat Isa (alayhi salaam) will come down from the Minaret of the Mosque with two Angel. Hazrat Isa (alayhi salaam) will be wearing yellow clothes. Both his hands will be on the wings of Angels.

When Hazrat Isa (alayhi salaam) lowered his head down, from his head, drops of water will fall as if they were diamonds. And when he puts his head up, water drops will fall as if they were diamonds. Imam Mahdi and the Muslims will recognise Hazrat Isa (alayhi salaam) from this sign. The people will have congregated for the prayer and Imam Mahdi will see Hazrat Isa (alayhi salaam). Imam Mahdi will request Hazrat Isa (alayhi salaam) to lead the prayer, but Hazrat Isa (alayhi salaam) will say, "You lead the prayer." Imam Mahdi will lead the Salaat (prayer).

After the Salaat, Imam Mahdi and Hazrat Isa (alayhi salaam) and the other Muslims will come out from the Mosque. Outside the gates of the Mosque, Dajjal will be waiting with his army. When he will see Hazrat Isa (alayhi salaam), he will feel as though his body will dissolve and he will start to run away, but Hazrat Isa (alayhi salaam) will catch him and kill Dajjal at a place called Baab-ul-ludd (an airport in Israel). A fight will start between the Jews and Muslims. The Jews will start to run away but they will not be able to hide. When a Jew hides behind a rock, the rock will call the Muslim soldiers out and say: "There is a Jew hiding behind me, kill him!" If a Jew hides behind a tree trunk, the tree will call to a Muslim soldier saying, "There is a Jew hiding behind me. Kill him". Everything will talk except a tree called Gharqad, which will not tell a Muslim if a Jew is hiding behind it. This tree is very holy for the Jews.

In this way Dajjal and his followers will be killed. And Hazrat Isa (alayhi salaam) will kill Dajjal. After his death, there will be peace. Hazrat Isa (alayhi salaam) and Imam Mahdi will start visiting places, and they will meet those people who refused to believe in Dajjal. They will be satisfied with them and will satisfy them by giving them glad tidings of Heaven. After this the people will have a good life.

Sometime will pass, then Imam Mahdi will pass away. At that time, his age will be of fifty years. Hazrat Isa (alayhi salaam) will offer his funeral prayer and bury him. Imam Mahdi will have ruled for nine years. After that, Hazrat Isa (alayhi salaam) will stay with the people and will rule the world. During his reign, Ya'jooj Ma'jooj will appear.

In This time where the most wicked of men will appear to be righteous and the Good people will appear to be wicked.in this time there are Men who are possess by Jinns and Shaytaning and can not get Free! because they are effected by Powerful Black magic! O Muslim people. I am Nobody in your sights! but it doesn't take a rocket scientist to have a little insight,!(insight is a gifts from ALLAH!)just like a person standing in the middle of a forest calling out!and people are saying "O do not listen to him, he thinks he is somebody!or he's trying to be somebody!Where are the wise people of the Din of ALLAH?, The wise people of Islam?

Why are they silent ? Why are They not standing up as a collective body of peoople against this powerful Evil(the dajjal)he is the Enemy of ALLAH! he is the Enemy of ALLAH!he is the Enemy of ALLAH!. This is the Time to Stand up against this Evil be for It dominate the world!. Islam is the only force strong enough to stand between the dajjal and total world domination. (The War of Deception) In this war of deception, The decevers They have travel from every corner of the World and from every corner of the Muslim World,the call was made for them to come to their Leader, just like when Pharaoh called for all the magicians in egypt to come to him, they sent for every Fake,every phoney, Every hypocrites,and , every ignorance kafira pretending to be a muslim; and Sorcerers and magicians to come and serve and worship the Enemy of ALLAH, the real(The Anti-Christ) dajjal ,These are same people that the Governments from around the World use as their secret agents against Islam in this war of deception, because they have arabic names and they come from socall muslim countrys and These are also the people who are trying to destroy the Purity of Islam through their Evil deception , they are trying to run muslims away from the worship of ALLAH, and if they can not destroy our faith as a True Believing Muslim,they seek to destroy our character,our Dignity, our Honor and our Integrity as Muslims; and then they seek to destroy us as Men or as Human beings. The Enemies of ALLAH are well informed about Islam, and they know what Islam call for. These secret enemies standed in the ranks in the salat lines with us; and they study islam as we the Believing muslims do, but their Hearts are cold and sick and they have an allegiance and Loyalty to the Dajjal. Dajjal is an Arabic word, derived from the root “dajl.” Dictionaries define dajjal as the name given to the Anti-Christ,the Deceiver“liar, fraud, a seditious,referring to something covered with Tar and damned person who confuses the minds, hearts, good and bad, the right and the wrong, one who hides,denies and covering up the Truth, the one who tells lies and deceives many people,and travel all over the world. The hadiths of Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam)

refer to the dajjal as the greatest Evil force to appear in the End of Times. The dajjal, who will attempt to impose the system of satan over the entire world, in the End Times when extraordinary events take place, by means of enmity towards Isa(alayhi salam) and Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh), whose appearance we will soon see by Allah’s leave. the dajjal himself is the worst deniers of all time. Our Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) describes the dimension of the corruption of the dajjal as follows:There would be no creation (creating more trouble) than the dajjal right from the creation of Adam to the Last Hour. The corruption of the dajjal in the End Times will be very severe…It is narrated in traditions that the dajjal is a deceiver who portrays truth as falsehood and falsehood as truth, and good as bad, and bad as good. As we are told in the hadith “He [the dajjal] would bring along with him an image of paradise and hell-fire and what he would call as paradise that would be in reality hell-fire, everything he calls good, beautiful and right is actually is a great evil that will inflict disaster on humanity. And that which he depicts as evil will actually be of beneficial and in the interests of humanity. Yet since many,many people do not look at events in the light of the moral values of the Qur’an and the Sunnah of Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) ,they will be deceive,trick,misled by the things to which the dajjal invites them and they will follow him, while heedlessly turning their backs on the path of Allah, turning away from their Creator, turning away from what is right, which they should actually follow. They will see what a grave error they have made when it is to late, however! when they witness the climate of Tyranny, oppression, cruelty and brutality,the dajjal will establish in his system of socall world government. It is for these reasons that our Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) has warned mankind and told people to act in the knowledge that what the dajjal portrays as evil is in fact good and what he portrays as good is in fact Evil:he(the dajjal has appear!!!. And there is along with him water and fire. What the people will see as water will be burning fire. And what will appear as fire will be water. Any one of you who will see that should plunge in that which he sees as fire for it will be sweet, pure water. The corruption of the dajjal can be felt everywhere all over the World, as if the world is falling into a mental deep frozen. Hopelessness Lovelessness- state of being without love for anything), conflict and evil are spreading around the world. As can be seen from the many various signs in the hadiths and with our own Eyes, The period we are in is that Time! the “End of Times, The time of the dajjal. It is clear from the hadiths of Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) that the End of Times are taking place and unfolding before our very eyes now! and by Allah’s leave, the return to Earth of Isa (alayhi salam) and the appearance of Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) are also to be expected in this period. Just as we are told in the hadiths, the dajjal is making his corruption felt in the world at this very time we are living in, and Hopelessness, lovelessness, rebellion, evil, division, conflicts and degeneration are spreading across the world. Many people have gone along with the corruption of the dajjal, turned their backs on proper moral values and accepted a devilish system based on disbelief. The dajjal is decepting people by portraying good as evil and evil as good, and is prepare the way for all forms of disorder. The corruption of the dajjal of at this Time period will also manifest itself as famine, shortages and economic disasters. One of the greatest corruption of the dajjal in this Time, in ideological terms, is Darwinism(the Tick) this is a part of the war of Deception. Darwinist ideology, the worst fallacy of the 19th century, was initially criticized. But it spread throughout society during the 20th century under the influence of the Followers of dajjal,Who has misled vast masses of people into believing in it, gathered a great deal of support, and ultimately found its way into schools and textbooks and scientific literature. There has been no scientific evidence in favor of the theory of evolution, and it is impossible for there to be any; but since Darwinism is a false belief system, then false evidence is constantly produced to support the theory, and the real scientific evidence that repudiates evolution is covered up and Hidden. The scale of this fraud is truly enormous and unimaginable. As a perverted and false belief system based on denial of Allah, Darwinism is a known deception of the dajjal’s, and one expected in the End of Time according to what is revealed in the hadiths. Darwinism, the main source of racism and which seeks to convince people that man is merely an uncontrolled animal, is one of the worst snares of the dajjal. Hopelesness,Lovelessness, ruthlessness and disrespecting others as human beings are the result of regarding one’s own race as superior.This false belief system, The War of Deception, which claims that living things came into being by chance, which maintains that apes are the ancestors of human beings, which seeks to convince human beings they are aimless animals with no Purpose,no responsibilities, which has led to mass slaughter and has initiated wars through the twisted idea that the strong must crush the weak, and which regards human beings as worthless and inferior, this is deceit,this is actually Darwinism, one of the dajjal’s worst plots. However, having persisted for the last 150 years, The dajjal’s Evil plot has just begain to unfold,Mass deception will not come to an end until he is destroy. This False ideology adopted like religion, has not been crushed yet. The true Din(religion) of Allah Islam will Prove more powerful than the opposing forces of Evil. There is no doubt that Allah will make His Din Islam prevail. Our Lord reveals in one verse:Allah confirms the Truth by His words,

even though the evildoers hate it.

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