Ode to Gaza Ship

Submitted by : LadyCroc on Strugle

Ode to the brave people aboard Mavi Marmara and to all the brave people trying to brake the naval blockade of occupied Palestine:

Ode to a Gaza Ship

On the horizon a charity ship in sight,
Pirates make ready to board and to fight.

Hooded Israelis shout their command,
Civilians are attacked with a steady hand.

Ship was going to Gaza at night,
Uzis clatter and shoot broadside.

The brave men are crippled, grenades are thrown,
Sound of death, as metal hits bone.

With guns drawn the pirates are now on board,
They swarm the ship, like an angry hoard.

The battle is over as fast as it begun,
Bodies strewn on the deck, what has "Israel" done?

Hostages are stowed down into the hold,
Later on TV, Israeli lies are told

The pirates make port at the occupied land,
They revel in success of their violent hand.

Still people in Gaza are living like slaves,
But there will be more ships, there are much more braves.

The nine people killed did not die in vain,
their bodies are dead, but their hearts live again.

Do break the blockade, do join in our fights,
unjustice will never outdo human rights!

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