Our Common Enemy

Submitted by : qalamuddin on Think

Our Common Enemy

There is a common enemy
Sitting in between you and me
Without realizing we are all following him
But most unfortunate if we make his team

We were warned of this enemy
That exists beyond you and me
Its track record were proven
As time he was given*

He was arrogant as he was from fire
His main task to build an infidel empire
His main goal is to destroy Muslim
So beware of him**

His device were presented beautifully
Most were conned and followed him dutifully
Living life full of folly
A satire a mere jolly

There are some he makes use
To achieve his aim he abused
A common enemy who defies authority
Oh Allah protect us from his insanity

By this time you should have guessed him
Iblis his name the accursed jinn
Have we avoided him or are we making his team?
Please wake up don’t be in a dream

Now, as a Muslim we have our Deen
Our actions and words must defy him
To Allah we seek protection
From this enemy devastating plan and action

Our sholat is the shield***
As sin we do not yield
Don’t succumb to worldly temporary delight
Iblis we must fight with all our might

Don’t let the common enemy goes unnoticed
By our actions and the way the religion is practiced
Oh Allah protect us from this travesty
We are guilty as charged in all honesty

Now, we know our common enemy
There shouldn’t be any animosity between you and me
Since, we are under the same Islamic banner
Lets show the support the love and pray for one another

Penned by Qalamuddin dated 4/7/2011

* Al-Quran (15:34-38) “The Lord said, "Get away from here, for you have become accursed: the curse shall rest upon you till the Day of Retribution. " At this he requested, "My Lord! then give me respite till that Day when mankind shall be resurrected." Allah said, "Well! you are given respite till the Day of predestined time. "

** Al-Quran (15:39-40) Iblis replied, "Lord, because Thou hast beguiled me, I will create allurements for them and seduce them except those of Thy servants whom Thou hast chosen for Thyself from amongst them.”

*** Al-Quran (29:45) “(O Prophet), recite the Book that has been revealed to you and establish Prayer. Surely Prayer forbids indecency and evil. And Allah’s remembrance is of even greater merit. Allah knows all that you do.

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