Pact of Al-Aqabah

Submitted by : hanifan on Prophet SAW


‘Makkah’ home of the ‘Holy Prophet’ (s.a.w.) and the tribe of Quraish,
known to all pilgrims of all Islamic nations, as the most ‘Holy place’.
Ibrahim (pbuh) ‘Father of the nation’, rebuilt the ‘House of Allah’,
Muhammad (s.a.w.) in a cave at Ramadhan, a true ‘Hanafar’.

Uniting the nations under one God was Muhammad’s (s.a.w.) dream
The slave of Allah was given the Glorious Quran as his theme.
The converts amongst his family and friends the Prophet began to teach,
Bringing the beautiful words of Allah personally to each.

Then the Almighty Allah said, “Arise Muhammad, now go warn,
Go out into the nations with the seed of Islam.
To all disbelievers give Salaam and hold out your hand,
with your love bring them home to my promised land”.

He taught them the laws of night and day of life and death,
of growth and decay, of sickness and health.
For these manifest the power of Almighty Allah our ‘Deity’,
these attest to his ‘Oneness’, his ‘Democracy’, his ‘Sovereignty’.

In spite of persecution the Democracy grew stronger,
with the help of the white ants the ‘Sahifah’was no longer.
The Prophet (pbuh) met men from Yathrib, a town from afar,
this consequently led to the pact of Al-Aqabar.

Every household in Yathrib now knew of The Messenger of Allah,
seventy-three new Muslims made pilgrimage and came to Makkah.
There they vowed their allegiance to the Messenger of Allah,
“Come to Yathrib we will defend you”, they vowed at Makkah.

So the Muslims sold up and quietly began leaving Makkah,
this is known as the flight to Yathrib, the year of Hijrah.
The Makkan’s wickedly plotted to kill the Prophet, his blood to shed,
but blindness befell them and the hand of Allah put dust on their heads.

Thirteen years of humiliation and persecution were at last gone,
the year of Hijrah, the new era had now begun.
The Phoenix now rises and the land fills with spiritual light,
the Ummah now emerges filled with Allah’s might.

Twenty- seven campaigns led the Prophet (s.a.w.) thirty- eight in all,
but only in seven with hard fighting did men actually fall.
Idolatry, gambling, drunkenness were all swept away
the idolaters embraced Islam and to Allah now pray.

So thank you ‘O Lord’ for giving us your ‘Holy laws’,
given first to your beloved Prophet in his cave under the stars.
He achieved in his time what no other Prophet had ever achieved,
send blessings upon him ‘O Lord’ your Slave, your Messenger, your Habib!!

Written by hanifan 17-12-2002

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