Proof of A Muslim

Submitted by : qalamuddin on Muslim

Proof of A Muslim

In this century
Searching for a Muslim identity
Is difficult as it can be!
And that is a travesty.

A Muslim by name
Daring and all game
Following others without a damn
Leading a path to condemn

Where has our prestige go?
All we are willing to throw
Just to follow
Our desires and egos

The way we dress
Nothing Islamic we stressed
The way we talk
The sins we chalked

Blind imitation
Without any tinge of apprehension
Just for our satisfaction –
“Cross our fingers” we uttered without hesitation*

Imagine the expression we used
The words we choose
It should reflect the truth
To be a Muslim that is the proof

A Muslim not by name only
As he is not lonely
To the Ummah he belongs solely**
To Allah he abides boldly

Rasulullah (pbuh) has warned
As a Muslim – “a stranger cloak” we donned***
While persevering an Islamic identity
In this world of insanity

Then the proof of a Muslim
Is to love Allah from within
In words, actions and intention all in
Thus keeping away all the shaiyatin****

Difficult as it can be
A Muslim identity –
In this life, it’s a sanctuary
Thus maintain it with full dignity

Penned by Firdaus@Qalamuddin 17/09/2010

* Hadith - Bukhari and Muslim, Narrated Abu Sa'id, r.a. “The Prophet (SAAWS) said, "Surely, you will follow the ways of those nations who were before you, in everything as one arrow resembles another, (i.e. just like them), so much so that even if they entered a hole of a sand-lizard, you would enter it." They said, "O Allaah’s Messenger! Do you mean to say that we will follow the Jews and the Christians?" He (SAAWS) replied, "Whom else?" (By meaning the Jew and Christians)

Sahih Muslim Book 34 Hadith 6448: Abu Sa'id al-Khudri reported Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: You would tread the same path as was trodden by those before you inch by inch and step by step so much so that if they had entered into the hole of the lizard, you would follow them in this also. We said: Allah's Messenger, do you mean Jews and Christians (by your words)" those before you"? He said: Who else (than those two religious groups)?

** Noble Qur'an - Al-Imran 3:103 “And hold fast, all of you together, to the Rope of Allah (i.e. this Qur'an) and be not divided among yourselves, and remember Allah's Favour on you, for you were enemies one to another, but Allah joined your hearts together, so that, by Allah's Grace, you became brethren (in Islamic Faith) and you were on the brink of a pit of Fire, and Allah saved you from it. Thus Allah makes Allah's Ayat (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.,) clear to you, that you may be guided.”

*** Muslim (145) from Abu Hurayrah who said: The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Islam began as something strange and will revert to being strange as it began, so give glad tidings to the strangers.”

**** Noble Qur’an As-Saad 38:82–83 . (Iblis) said: "Then, by Thy power, I will put them all in the wrong -- "Except Thy Servants amongst them, sincere and purified (by Thy grace)."

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