Prophet Idris (The First Writer)
Submitted by : muslim89 on The Holy Quran
Another great man also known by Christians and Jews
Idris (Enoch, Pbuh) was one of the early prophets, bringing people good news
Though little is known about him, he possessed great wisdom
Allaah revealed to him arithmetic and the scientific system (of astronomy)
Corruption at his time was spreading fast
After Adam had many children, and a few generations had passed
Idris is mentioned in Al- Qur’an only just twice
He obeyed Al-Mighty Allaah without asking for a price
Idris was the first to learn how to write
Idris was raised to a high station by Allaah, the Light
An Angel carried Idris to the fourth heaven by its back
Where he died, a very pious man, as he always kept on the right track
Idris was born a 100 years after the father of all
Leaving behind knowledge & remembrance to Allaah’s call
By SparkaPoet (Shohima Abdul Rahman)
Pbuh = Peace be upon him