Submitted by : 24k_road on Islam

revalotion revalotion
no more operssion an depression
time for dictorship distruction
khalifah resurrection

the storm has bin set in motion
swirlin in burning inside the muslim nation
threw the years we bin in this rottin condition
call it the great depression dictorship transgression
since the 1924 invasion islam has bin in isolation
under milatary aggression put for islam suppression
i call it khalifah execution sharia law extermination
they gave us democracy with out hesitation
in return we accepted and allah gave us humiliation
the streets are filled with thievis and fornacation
kafir imatation evil intoxacation harts harden
jews move to action holy places shaken
in the middest a laughing satan
and were just waten...
look at our reflection
are we the people in paradise description
or are we hell's difinition
whut will we say to allah on the day of resurrection
are brothers an sisters dayly daien nation by nation
the tears they have dropet can become a new ocean
why are we just watchin is not time for revalotion

revalotion revalotion
no more operssion an depression
time for dictorship distruction
khalifah resurrection
revalotion revalotion
no more operssion an depression
time for dictorship distruction
khalifah resurrection

the situation is getting worse
there bringing out the military force
trying to reenforce there power
an guess who the west indorse
the puppit regime of course
well we the people say devorce
devorce devorce
its time to turn back the clock
remember when they invaded iraq
they said there bringing democrecy
set the people free so they came 2 knock
then they shead blood on every block
was it the peoples freedom they were trying 2 unlock
or was it freedom they wanted to block
now everyday iraqies feeling the shell shock
wishing they can turn back the clock
no more looking back no more western inturgion

revalotion revalotion
no more opression an depression
time for dictorship distruction
khalifah resurrection

you see democricy go's against everything islam stands for
allah has gave us the best laws no need to add more
open the quran an explore
taqaut is democricy at its core
they allow whut allah has forbiddin 2 washup on are shore
an whut he has allowed they wish to ignore
so sharia an khalafah is the last thing they want us to restore
so because of that islam is at war
once againe the ummah is like a lion learning to roar
because taquat is whut made the ummah week an poor
so tell me whut is it that your fighting for?
allahs laws or the one before
Thaghut is anything in which the limit is exceeded by the slaves, be it the one worshipped, or followed, or obeyed, that the thaghut of every society is the people whom they make as legal reference other than Allah and His Rasul, or which they worship besides Allah, or that which they followed without any foundation of daleels from Allah, or the people whom they obeyed in matters which they do not know that it is a form of obedience to Allah".

And he said further:

"Anyone who refers the law or reports lawsuits to others in addition to what has been brought about by Rasulullah sallallaahu 'alaihDemocracy is a religion

In the daleels of the Qura'an and Sunnah, or the books of the ulama's of Ahlus-Sunnah, yes, the word democracy has never been mentioned explicitly because at the time of Rasulullah SAW or in the old days, this word had never been known or was still foreign, but this does not fool us and make us fall into the trap.

In understanding democracy, we should go back to the fundamental subject of one's Islam, namely iman. Iman is a pledge that makes a person being called Muslim and that makes him different from the people who disbelieve (kafir) although they are practising good deeds in the eyes of the world, without iman all those do not mean anything.

And the basis of one's faith (iman) is like what Allah SWT says in the Holy Qur'an:

"And I did not create the jinn and mankind except to worship Me."

(The Holy Quran, Surah 51. "The Winnowing Winds", verse 56)

"And We certainly sent into every nation a messenger, [saying], 'Worship Allah and avoid Thaghut.'"

(The Holy Quran, Surah 16. "The Bee", verse 36)

"The right course has become clear from the wrong. So whoever disbelieves in Thaghut and believes in Allah has grasped the most trustworthy handhold with no break in it."

(The Holy Quran, Surah 2. "The Cow", verse 256)

"But those who have avoided Thaghut, lest they worship it, and turned back to Allah - for them are good tidings. So give good tidings to My servants."

(The Holy Quran, Surah 39. "The Troops", verse 17)

The above verses are the commands of Allah to mankind after they have iman, to keep away from all kinds of obedience and submission to others besides Allah SWT which in the Qur'an is called Thaghut. So one's iman is not valid before they deny (to be kafir toward) and be free of all the millah, manhaj and aqeedah of others besides Islam.

Included in the category of thaghut is every one who positions himself as a musharri' (legislation and law maker) along with Allah, whether he is a leader or a common citizen, a people's representatives in the legislature or the people whom he represents from among those who elected him (in the general elections), because with that deed, he has exceeded the limit which Allah SAW created for him, because he is created as a slave of Allah, and his Lord orders him to surrender submissively to His Shari'ah, but he is reluctant, and he becomes arrogant instead and oversteps the limits which Allah SWT has set, he on the other hand wants to make himself as a match for Allah and affiliate with Him in the authority of tashri' (establishment of law and legislation), whereas it should not be turned to any other except to Allah SWT and for anyone who does that, then he has made himself as ilaah musharri' (God the lawmaker), while it cannot be doubted anymore that for such a person, he is a part of the ru'uusuth thawaghiit (frontmen of thaghut) where one's Tawheed and Islam is not valid until he is kafir towards that thaghut, avoiding it, as well as bara'ah (be free) from its worshippers and troops.

Allah SWT says:

"They wish to refer legislation to Thaghut, while they were commanded to reject that Thaghut."

(The Holy Quran, Surah 4. "The Women", verse 60)

Imam Mujahid rahimahullah said: "Thaghut is devil in human form, where the humans refer the laws to him, while he is taking control of them."

Shaikhul Islam Ibnu Taimiyyah rahimahullah said: "On that account, one who rules by other than Kitabullah (God's Book) where he becomes the legal reference, he is called thaghut."

Imam Ibnul Qayyim rahimahullah said:

"Thaghut is anything in which the limit is exceeded by the slaves, be it the one worshipped, or followed, or obeyed, that the thaghut of every society is the people whom they make as legal reference other than Allah and His Rasul, or which they worship besides Allah, or that which they followed without any foundation of daleels from Allah, or the people whom they obeyed in matters which they do not know that it is a form of obedience to Allah".

i wa sallam, then it means that he had been referring the law and reporting lawsuits to the thaghut."

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