S I N C E R E Advise From One Who Doesnt Know Y O U !!!

Submitted by : tearfull on Strugle


WOW i forgot all about this page
its been a year and theres been a lot of change,
i aint no diary keeper but i got a lot to say,
to type it all up might take me a few days,
so the most important thing im gonna state,
is i learnt that the path that is straight
is sought through difficult ways.
You may feel like you were going astray
but its all those mistakes we were meant to make
that lead us back to where we are today.


My sincere advise to you my dear brother or sister in this deen,
dont ponder upon that which is beyond your capability
our mind is limited,as we are merely human beings
all we need to know for life is that death is guaranteed.
Restricted in knowledge to answer that of which we dont know
we'll feed our insanity, i dont even know what tommorrow will hold for me.
The only thing im certain of is that Islam brings me clarity.


AND i know no two stories are exactly the same
and i may be unable to exlain your pain
but i know what we share is our goal and our aim.
For the pleasure of our Lord is what we want to attain.
He is the most Wise the Everliving our life He created and it He sustains.
So say we hear and we obey continue your worship, bow down and pray,
learn to commit less sins and esnure you lower your gaze
and never forget to pray for ease
for in the end we will account for all of our own deeds.

....we are asleep and only when we die will we awake !!!

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