Submitted by : hanifan on Islam


This poem is a mixture of the last sermon given before his return into the loving arms of his Creator by Hazrat KhwaHa Mu’cinuddin Chisti (ra) and a humble Sufi poet, Hanifan

M.C (r.a)/ Love all and hate none,
Hanifan until your last breath is taken and gone.
M / Mere talk of peace will avail you naught,
H/ put away the weapons and the fear you brought.

M/ Mere talk of God and religion will not take you far,
H/ follow the Sunnah of the Prophet and shine like a star.
M/ Bring out all of the latent powers of your very being,
H/ use them striving for Islam, then you are truly living.

M/ Reveal the full magnificence of your immortal self,
H/ you are dying not living if you sit on a shelf.
M/ Be surcharged with love, with peace and with Hoy,
H/ let none dictate to you, do not be a puppet or a toy.

M/ Give freely of love, peace and Hoy, wherever you go,
H/ then in the heart of ‘The Creator’ will your name grow.
M/ With your spiritual light, become a blazing fire of truth,
H/ fight with the words of God not with the claw and the tooth,

M/ Be a beauteous blossom of love, a soothing balm of peace,
H/ with your spiritual light, mans torment you can surely ease.
H/ So with a prayer in your heart for the little ones of Iraq,
H/ no more blood on our hands please, don’t turn the clock back.

M/ Show yourselves in power, dispel the darkness of ignorance
H/ healing comes through love, not with the sword or the lance.
M-H/ Dissolve the clouds of hysteria by Bush and his lords of war,
H/ instead spread goodwill, peace and harmony for ‘Love is the law’.

M/ Never seek help, charity or favours from anyone except God,
H/ 30 million Turkey demanded for Iraq’s men of the sod.
M/ Never go to the courts of Kings or take from the fat-cat financier,
H/ for these are the people who deal in misery and fear.

H/ ‘O’ Lord, bless the children, the needy and the sick in Iraq,
M/ when the widow and the orphan come to you, do not turn them back.
M/ This is our mission to serve the people, dutifully and courageously,
H/ to give succour, to teach and to nurture both humbly and graciously.

H/ All souls are our friends, in the twin towers, we lost many.
H/ so why are the innocent in Iraq being made the new enemy?
H/ What is the agenda for Bush and the fat cats wanting Iraq?
H/ Is it Bin-Laden, or the oil, or the Ayatollah all dressed in black?

Written by Hanifan 12-02-2002 (Human Shield) Baghdad.

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