Submitted by : writer1 on Think
Hey, wotsup? What are you looking at?
You got a problem then let’s fight
A lean mean bad boy, yeah that’s me
Need a smoke first, you got a light?
Hello, how are you? I say pleasantly, politely
And so professionally, because that’s what I am
I am allowed, therefore, to be overweight
And when I smoke, it’s because I’m a thoughtful man
Have you seen her over there? She thinks she’s it!
I’ll spread a vicious rumour to put her in her place
I’m the gossip queen with loads of friends
I can make you popular, or leave you without a trace
Have you seen me yet? Hey, over here!
I’m the cut-throat career woman, doing whatever it takes
I feel no guilt, no fear, whatever I do
And am perfectly perfect, make no mistake
Do you recognise any of these stereotypes?
If you think about it, you probably do
Why do some people force themselves into them
And not just them, but also me, and you
Maybe we judge what others think about us
And try to act accordingly
Or think there is no other option
And that this is the way to be
You can’t always stop others from stereotyping
But refuse to self-stereotype
Refuse to put yourself into a box, be free
And simply be the best you can be.
Taken from my book "Contemplate" by Saqib Hussain [Available on Amazon etc.] Feel free to send feedback on [email protected];qid=1336937642&sr=8-1