Teenage Love Part 2 - The Flip side of the Coin

Submitted by : Wayfarer on Romantic

Teenage Love Part 2 - The Flip side of the Coin
A complimentary story to qalamuddin's 'Teenage Love - A parent's dilemma'

Eighteen years ago
Joy of joys
He was born
A boy, a boy!

Mash’Allah, how he’s grown
Handsome and tall
Ready to conquer the world
Ready to win it all

Beware, my son
There are pitfalls abound
Temptations laid by Shaytan
To make you fall to the ground

Disguised in the innocent packages
Of sweet little girls
All big eyes and
A multitude of curls

Lower your gaze
Put your face to the ground
Remember Shaytan whispers
Even if there’s no sound

The world is your oyster
Life moves at fast pace
Cars, phones, cool threads
Much provided by Allah’s good grace
Beware that arrogance
Doesn’t make you fall on your face

Come on! He said
It’s not so bad
These days it’s normal
To have girls as friends
It’s all just fun
Don’t be so old fashioned,Mom
If I don’t talk to them
How will I know which one’s‘The One’

Leave that to Allah swt
Concentrate on your studies
Increase your knowledge of the Deen
Leave all those ’buddies’
Earn some respect
Don’t end up a ‘has been’

Remember there will come
The time for payback
As parent I can just pray and advise
And hope you don’t make a mistake
I fear for your future
It’s your Akhira at stake!

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