Thank You Allah

Submitted by : qalamuddin on Islam

Thank You, ALLAH

for making us Muslims
with the best of blessings
bestowed upon any human being
listening and obeying to the One and Only True Being.

Thank You, ALLAH

for sending Rasulullah
a shining star known as Habibullah
a true hero non-comparable
guiding and teaching with his very own humble examples

Thank You, ALLAH

for transcending the book
definitely with a "proper look"
one cannot help but to get hook
Al-Quran is the name: "get a copy, have a look, 5 minutes that's all it took!"

Thank You, ALLAH

for providing us a place called earth
destroying it will get on everybody nerves
please protect it as it truly deserved.
A home for the future we must preserve.

Thank You, ALLAH

for this short-life
a day will come when we shall all die
dear people, please do not inflict more conflicts
alas, the world resembles "a relic": a place in history the story of humans' contradict

Thank You, ALLAH

for a father and mother
a heavy responsibility they shoulder
creating a better future
for the next generation to prosper

Thank You, ALLAH

for the plenty foods and drinks
seldom do we think...
about our humble beginning, that is from Nothing!
Why do we still destroy and plunder just to attain that little "something"

Thank You, ALLAH

for the many Muslims, brothers and sisters
again please stop and ponder..
"Have we served Allah, a proper?"
Come The Day, what do we have to offer?

Thank You, ALLAH

for the many gentle reminders
we tend to forget and wander.
The very reason of our existence
not to commit treason but first to serve ALLAH and Rasulullah in that sequence!

Thank You, ALLAH

for we pray for JANNAH in return
and the glory of Islam we try to churn
for that matter, a better Muslim in every turn
devoted and steadfast in ibadah- as the deceitful life we try to spurn

In Surah As-Saba' verse 13.

Allah mentioned: "But few of my slaves are grateful".

Penned by Qalamuddin

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