The Beauty of Death - A reply

Submitted by : qalamuddin on Death

Yes, death is the dreaded disease!
Stay alive forever if you insist
Or even if you resist
Death will still persist

Death is grim
But it is just the beginning
Oh what a wrong timing!
I have my full life to think

Death is lovable for those who believe
That’s the poem that brings relief
Oh! The unbelievers will grief
Life on earth is just but a brief

The pray is for all Muslims, me and you
The trials and tribulations we gone through
Even the Prophets too
Are to differentiate the two?*

Which group do we belong?
To meet Allah we longed
The face illuminates **
For the reward that is ultimate

Or the group that takes death for granted
“Live forever” the slogan they chanted
There is no second chance
This life is but a trance

The regret they developed
Later it will enveloped
The cries to live once more
Is just the remorse in store!

So let us realize the “Beauty of Death”
In prayer, there must not be a theft***
If you fully understand the Creator
Life and death is not a laughing matter****

As the key is sincerity
With much difficulty
For the believer to maintain his sanity
That in life is a rarity

Let us pray
Before we turn grey
To face death as a martyr
Thus avoiding the fire

*Al-Quran (18: 106-107) “That is their reward, Hell; because they rejected Faith, and took My Signs and My Messengers by way of jest. As to those who believe and work righteous deeds, they have, for their entertainment, the Gardens of Paradise"

**Al-Quran (75:22-23): “Some faces that Day, will beam (in brightness and beauty). Looking towards their Lord”

***The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: "The worst thief among men is the one
who steals from his prayer." When his companions asked, "O Messenger of
Allah, how does he steal from his prayer?", he replied, "He does not
complete its Ruku' (bowing) and Sujood (prostration) ." *(Ahmad and Al-Hakim)

****Al-Quran (67:2): “He, Who created Death and Life, that He may try which of you is best in deed”

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