The Brave Slave
Submitted by : muslim89 on Death
The brave slave is he who prepares his grave
And saved he’d be from the depths of hell
Paved to paradise with believers he’d dwell
So prepare your grave with Emaan & Yakeen
You have the Quran & Sunnah to complete your Deen!
~~SparkaPoet 18/08/11~
Inspired to wrrite by the following Qur'anic verse:
The “Deen” (Religion) before Allah (accepted by Allah) is Islam. [Qur’an 3:19]
When you depart from this world two Angels (Munkir & Nakir) attend your grave with the following questions:
-Who is your creator?
-What is your religion?
-Who is your prophet?
How will you answer if you have not prepared for it in this life?
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