The Giver of Death
Submitted by : Wayfarer on Death
The Giver of Death
A complimentary poem to Muslim89’s “The Giver of Life”
Everything has a time, a season
Everything comes with a plan and a reason.
The seed splits and sprouts
Grows tall
Bears fruit to feed us all
The moments fly by and the plant withers and dies
To be born again next season
So we pass from phase to phase
Non-existence springing into foetalhood
Foetalhood develops into babyhood
Babyhood giving way to childhood
Childhood making way for teenaged
Teenaged stepping into adulthood
Adulthood moving into Old aged
Old aged passing into death
Death into Resurrection
Resurrection to Eternal life
The seasons of life change, so intertwined
So perfectly in rhythm
In the Hand of the Divine
Al Mumit “the Giver of Death”
For without death there can be no life
Praise be to Allah, the Giver of Death…
“Say it is Allah that gives you life, then gives you death then he will gather you together for the day of judgment about which there is no doubt but most do not understand” (Quran sxlv27)
“It is Allah who causes the seed-grain and the stone-date to split and sprout. Allah causes the living to issue from the dead and he is the one to cause the dead to issue from the living that is Allah: then how are you deluded away from truth?” (Quran svi95)